Chapter 18 (Friends Have Great Judgement, Sometimes...)

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Angelica's POV

 "...and he just collapsed! It's not just that, but I could see that he was still conscious!"

Angelica nodded, solemnly. Alex was laying on her couch, and Angelica was sitting on a chair next to him. It was their little setup that they had, luckily sans Eliza, Maria, and Peggy. Angelica wasn't sure where they were. Eliza and Maria were probably on a date, and she didn't really know where Peggy was. She probably didn't want to know. 

"Ah, so either my advice was terrible, or John is just really bad at talking to people." She said, shaking her head. Hercules wasn't kidding when he said that John messed up. 

"Wait, you told him to do that?" Alex exclaimed. 

"Well, no..." Angelica pushed her hair behind her ear sheepishly. She'd had good intentions... "I just told him to be honest, that's all."

"Wait, honest about what?" Alex asked, sitting up, "Is he seeing someone?"

"No, no, no!" She exclaimed. 

"Well, what is it?" Alex yelled. He was turning red. Wow, he really did care about John. Angelica gulped. She didn't know if she should tell him or not. 

She decided not to. 

Hercules' POV

Hercules knocked on John's door. He needed to speak to John right now. 

"Go away, Alex!" John yelled.

"It's Herc, weirdo. Open up." Hercules shot back. The door unlocked with a click, and John opened it. He looked like a mess. His hair was down, and he had bags under his eyes. He quickly ushered Hercules in, and re-locked the door. 

"What do you want?" He asked.

"You'll never guess what I learned!" Hercules exclaimed. John looked at him questioningly.

"Well, it's about Alex..." Hercules started. John grabbed him by the shirt collar.

"Tell. Me." He whispered. Hercules was slightly intimidated. 

"He likes you back." Hercules stuttered. John turned red.

"Oh my God. Oh my God." John muttered, covering his face with his hands and turning away. Hercules laughed. 

"John, you actually have a chance! You just have to, you know, not fuck it up." He snickered. 

"Like last time?" John asked. 

"Yeah, like last time." Hercules repeated, "Now, come here." He wrapped John in a tight hug. John let out a squeak. 

"Um... thanks for telling me, Herc." He huffed. 

"No problem." 

(welp, here we go...)

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