Chapter 5

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Laurens ties his apron, and steps up to the counter of the coffee shop. Even though he hated being at the counter, he volunteered to work there just in case Hamilton came back. After the first hour, the crowd diminished, which gave Laurens some much needed peace and quiet. Unlike last night, he was wide awake.
"I guess being on a mission energizes you." He says to himself. He starts tapping his pen against the coffee machine, seeing how many patterns he could come up with. So far he was at thirty seven. Hearing the electronic chime go off, he looks up at the door. It was Hercules.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Never been better." Laurens answered honestly.
"Are you gonna do it?" Hercules looks at Laurens expectantly.
"Yes, of course." Laurens recites.
"Good." Hercules pats Laurens' shoulder, wishes him the best of luck, and walks out. Laurens watches him leave, then goes back to playing the waiting game. Ten minutes before his shift is scheduled to end, Hamilton walks in. He walks up to the counter and orders the same thing as last time. One black coffee. Laurens pours the cup of coffee, and prints out the receipt. At the bottom, he scribbles his number, along with a little message. He hands the coffee and the receipt to Hamilton. Hamilton smiles and thanks Laurens before walking to an empty table. Laurens takes his apron off, as he was officially off the clock. He waited until he got outside to text Hercules.
Laurens: the deed is done.
Mulligan: nice, bro
Mulligan: text me when he contacts you
Mulligan: ill be awake, i wouldn't miss this for the world
Laurens smiled. It seemed like everything was going to plan.

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