Chapter 13

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(Just to clarify, Hercules and Lafayette are college seniors, Laurens is a junior, and Hamilton is a sophomore.)

Laurens finishes telling his joke. Hamilton giggles.

"Oh, get a room already!" Someone calls from the front entrance. Laurens looked up.

"Hercules Mulligan!" He called.

Hercules walks over to the counter, Lafayette in tow. Slamming some money down on the counter, he asks for the usual. Laurens smiles as he prepares the drink. Passing the drink over the counter, Laurens asks, "Is that a ring, Hercules?"

Lafayette pops out from behind Hercules and slams his hands on the counter. He bounces up and down excitedly.

"Oui, we are engaged! We're getting married!!!!!!!!!" He squeals. Hercules scratches the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I, um, proposed. Last night. After the double date, when we got back to the dorm. I was planning to do it during the dinner, but then we got kicked out, and I didn't want to wait any longer." He says, shrugging. Lafayette squeals one more time and kisses Hercules excitedly.

"Now who needs a room?" Laurens asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Hercules shoves him playfully.

"Don't you have a job to do, John?" He taunts. Laurens shrugs. Hercules waves, walking out the door. Before the door shuts behind them, Lafayette winks.

"So, they're getting married." Hamilton says.

"I can't believe it." Laurens answers, "Lafayette and Hercules, married? It's too surreal."

Hopping out from behind the counter, Laurens takes his apron off.

"Well, I have to go." He says, "Bye."

Hamilton looks up at Laurens as he passes.


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