Chapter 19 (Graduation Day Celebrations)

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(The chapter where it happens...)

     It was graduation day. Although it was hard to believe, John's third year of college was over. Not only that, but his two best friends were leaving. It was hard to believe, especially since it seemed like only yesterday it was the beginning of January. Laurens was at the ceremony, of course. Hamilton was there too. Laurens couldn't stop looking at him. He just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Hamilton liked him. It was surreal.

"So, how's the wedding planning going?" Hamilton asked. It was the first thing that he'd said to Laurens since the incident a couple days ago. Laurens was glad that Hamilton was at least talking to him again. He'd missed their conversations.

"No, we've been so busy with finals and such that we haven't actually done much." Laurens admits. Hamilton nods.

"And now, our valedictorian, George Washington, will give a short speech." The woman on-stage announces. Laurens didn't know George that well, but he was well-respected among the student body. He was the obvious choice for valedictorian. 

"Okay, to end, I'd just like to say that I really, truly enjoyed my time here. All of you guys are wonderful, except for "King" George, that guy can suck my dick!" He yells, dropping the mic.

"Name a time and a place, Washington!" Someone yells with a British accent, probably this "King" George person. The lady standing on the side of the stage looks like she's going to explode. She ushers Washington off the stage and continues the graduation festivities. 

"Well, that was interesting." Hamilton says offhandedly. Laurens stays silent, remembering what Hercules said last night and his week-old promise to ask Hamilton out. Just as Lafayette is walking on-stage to receive their diploma, Laurens leans over and kisses Hamilton. He's not sure if Hamilton kissed back. After a few seconds, he pulls back. Hamilton is wide-eyed and blushing. Not wanting to face his mistakes, he gets up and runs as a cheer erupts from the crowd watching the graduation. Whoever just graduated must be pretty popular.

Hercules knocked on his door a few hours later. He wasn't alone.

"Hey, guys." Laurens said.

"Why are you laying on the floor?" Hercules asked.

"I kissed Alex." 

His friends cheered and congratulated him, but he just felt kind of empty. Why did he leave? Ugh, he's so stupid! 

"So, have you seen him since?" Lafayette asks. Laurens shakes his head. The two gasp, and offer to call him over. Laurens declines, claiming that he can sort this out himself. Hercules sits down next to him.

"Jeez, Johnny-boy, you know that the guy likes you back, so don't beat yourself up about it!"

"Wait, Alex likes John? What did I miss?" Lafayette asks. Laurens gestures to the space next to him.

"Sit down, it's a long story."

(Meanwhile, Hamilton freaks the fuck out with the sisters.)

"That story was not actually very long." Lafayette quips. It was true, it hadn't taken very long at all to tell it, but still, the story went way back to the first time he'd met Hamilton, so it was quite long from a chronological standpoint. Laurens shrugs in response. He was more concerned with what he was going to do next. What was he going to do next? 

Well, probably something he'd regret. That seemed to be the trend here. 

Hercules flicked his arm.

"Are you still alive, John? We were just saying that we're throwing a party, come on! Get off the floor and come join us!" He whined. Laurens sat up. Alcohol was just the thing he needed right now.

(Okay, I just have to mention that there might be a little underage drinking in this section, because Ham is only 19 (a smol bean). Just a warning.)

     They were only a couple hours into the party, and Laurens was already completely shitfaced. Well, at least he wasn't thinking about Hamilton anymore. He was laying on Hercules' couch, a bottle in his hand, watching the rest of the party. It seemed like the whole school was there. Jefferson was talking- no, no, making out with Madison in the corner, and George Washington was making a speech. Laurens wasn't sure what he was saying because he was slurring heavily. He took another swig of whatever alcohol was in the bottle he was holding, and looked at the ceiling. He really only came here for the booze. 

Someone sat next to him. Hamilton. He was holding a can of what Laurens assumed to be beer. 

"Are you even old enough to drink?" Laurens asked.

"Nah..." He slurred. Laurens pointed at Jefferson and Madison.

"Do you see that?" He asked.

Hamilton shook his head sadly. "Ew, gross. I really hate Jefferson. He doesn't even deserve James." 

Laurens nodded in agreement. He looked back at the party, but stopped when he saw Hamilton looking at him. They stared at each other for a few moments.

"Oh, fuck it." Laurens said, throwing all caution to the wind.

He kissed Hamilton for the second time that day.

This time, Hamilton kissed back. 

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