Chapter 9

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"Burr, we need your help."

Laurens hated to ask Burr for anything, but this was a key part in the plan to help Lafayette.

"How can I be of assistance, John?" He asks kindly.

Laurens takes a deep breath.

"I need you to switch rooms with me."

Burr looks surprised.

"This late?" He asks.

"It's really important. I just need you to switch with me." He reiterates.

"So, tell me, who will I be rooming with for the remainder of the year?" Burr inquires, expectantly.

Laurens hesitates. He knows there's no way Burr will want to room with Seabury, but it's the only way.

"Samuel Seabury." He answers.

Burr recoils, but composes himself again, and answers.

"Well, you do have one favor I owe you..."

Laurens perks up, excited.

"But, I'm afraid that I cannot do this."

"What the fuck, Burr? Why not?" Laurens yells.

"I like my current roommate. He doesn't complain." Burr explains.

"Think about Lafayette, Burr. Don't you care about him at all?"

"Yes, I know that Lafayette is the reason you want me to switch. And while I do care about Lafayette, Seabury isn't going to stop him. He could get that stuff anywhere, we're in the city." Burr retaliates.
Laurens was stuck. Burr was a law major, and almost impossible to beat in an argument.


Burr looks behind him, where Hamilton is standing.

"Trade with him." Hamilton went on.

"Alexander, why? Do you even know him?" Burr asks.

"Burr," Laurens stated, "Do it."

Burr looks at the two, and sighs.

"I'll consider it." He responds.

Laurens looks at Hamilton, smiles, and mouths, "thank you."

"Maybe we have some hope after all..." Laurens thinks.

(A nice short, dialogue heavy chapter to set up some plot details. I've been a little distracted with all these upd8's, some might say.)

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