Chapter 17 (In which Hercules and Angelica have a little talk)

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(i'll advance the plot sometime, i swear! but seriously it's a short chapter because i wrote it in art class instead of researching mr. brainwash. oopsies.)

Hercu-LOSER: um

Hercu-LOSER: hi?

angelicaa: Who are you, exactly?

Hercu-LOSER: oh right, i haven't introduced myself

Hercu-LOSER: i'm hercules mulligan! (john's friend)

angelicaa: Oh, yes!

angelicaa: He was just over here for relationship advice a little while ago.

Hercu-LOSER: wait wait wait, hold the phone.

Hercu-LOSER: he came to you for relationship advice before ME?

angelicaa: Yep!

Hercu-LOSER: :(

angelicaa: How is he, anyway?

Hercu-LOSER: locked in his room avoiding his mistakes

angelicaa: Okay, just one question. 

angelicaa: What happened? How did he mess that up so badly?

Hercu-LOSER: wait, he was following your advice when he did that?

Hercu-LOSER: oh, this is rich.

angelicaa: Oh, shush. It's not my fault, it's popular media's fault.

Hercu-LOSER: sure, blame the media...

angelicaa: Maybe I should've told him.

Hercu-LOSER: what? come on, spill it!

angelicaa: I thought you knew!

Hercu-LOSER: i obviously don't, so tell me!

angelicaa: Oh, nothing, only that Alex has the biggest, gayest crush on John.

Hercu-LOSER: well, that was kinda obvious, but NO WAY.

Hercu-LOSER: yeah, you really should've, jeez.

angelicaa: Hold on, here comes Alex. I have to go.

Hercu-LOSER: wait, one more thing.

angelicaa: Shoot.

Hercu-LOSER: do you and your sisters want to be "bridesmaids"? 

angelicaa: Why is bridesmaids in quotations?

Hercu-LOSER: well, we don't actually have a bride, but we need people to help laf on our wedding day, what do you say?

angelicaa: Sure! I'll ask Maria if she'll help, too. 

Hercu-LOSER: sweet!

angelicaa: Well, I should go. It's been nice talking to you, Hercules.

Hercu-LOSER: same here, angie.

angelicaa is now offline

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