Chapter 6

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(BEWARE THE FRENCH-POCALYPSE. The line "while you were off getting high with the French" really spoke to me, okay. The other three people in the room are Burr, Jefferson, and Madison, by the way.)
It had been a few days, and Hamilton still hadn't texted him. Laurens hoped that was because Hamilton hadn't seen the note, and not because he wasn't interested. The days had all blurred together into an endless cycle of checking his phone, going to class, and working. Laurens grabbed his keys from the book by the wall. It was time for work, again. Hamilton hadn't been to the coffee shop since Laurens gave him his number. As he walked down the hallway, he spotted someone sitting up against the wall. They were hastily scribbling something into a notebook. When Laurens drew closer, he could see that it was Hamilton. Laurens took a deep breath. He sat down next to him, but Hamilton didn't notice.

"What're you doing in the hallway?" Laurens asks.

Hamilton jumps. He looks over, relaxing when he sees Laurens.

"It's quieter out here." He answers irately, "and the fact it doesn't reek of marijuana is a plus.

"You can't work sitting out here. I'm going to go see if I can reason with them." Laurens comments, standing up.

"You don't have to do that." Hamilton began, but Laurens had already stepped inside.
The first thing Laurens noticed was the stench. Sweat, weed, and alcohol were never a good combination, and the odor burned in Laurens' nostrils. The second thing Laurens noticed was one particular occupant of the room.
"Lafayette, vous avez promis!" Laurens screams.

"Oh, merde..." Lafayette slurs.

"Savez-vous ce que va dire Hercules quand il trouve?" Laurens rants. He walks over and pulls Lafayette out of the beanbag chair he was sprawled on, and dragging him out the door. Hamilton looks at the two, concerned.
"Maintenant, j'ai'm va appeler Hercules, et il's va trouver ce que vous've fait." Laurens shows Lafayette his phone screen. Hercules' number is up. Laurens' finger hovers over the "call" button.
"Non, non, non, non..." Lafayette repeats. He tears up. Laurens sighs. He taps the button, and holds the phone up to his ear.

"Laf, c's pas la fin du monde. Hercules vous aime. Il'll être aimables." He assures. Lafayette sniffles.

"Hello? Hercules? You might want to come down to the first floor." Laurens says matter-of-factly.

When Hercules arrives, out of breath from running down many flights of stairs, he instantly rushes over to comfort the crying Lafayette.
"Laf, vous avez dit que vous'd arrêter... ce qui s'est passé?" He queried.

"J-je ne sais pas..." Lafayette mumbles.

"Je don't pense que c'est le meilleur endroit pour cette conversation. Permettez-'s passez à l'étage." Hercules states, picking up Lafayette and heading for the stairway.

"Wait, Hercules." Laurens said. "I need to be a part of this conversation, and he needs a quiet place to work. Can we come with you?"

Hercules nods.

Hamilton looks around the little room. His dorm has the same layout, but this room feels different. The walls are covered in pictures. Some are pictures of Lafayette and the person Hamilton now knows is named Hercules Mulligan. In most of those pictures, Lafayette and Hercules are making out, usually in front of some famous monument. The rest of the pictures include Laurens, as well. Hamilton's eyes are drawn to one picture in particular. It's a picture of the three in front of the Arc de Triomphe. All three are beaming. Hamilton had never seen Laurens genuinely smile before. Hamilton looked at the pictures, his writing completely forgotten. He was dragged back to reality, however, when he heard voices from the other room.
"Lafayette, calmer. Nous avons besoin de vous parler." Hercules says.

Hamilton stood up quietly and crept over to the doorway.

"Laf, calmer. Arrêter de pleurer." Hercules repeated.

Hamilton peeked out of the doorway. They hadn't noticed him yet. He saw Hercules kneel beside the bed Lafayette was on, and kiss Lafayette's forehead.

"Vous're devoir aller à rehab si vous continuez, Lafayette." Laurens chimes, which makes the man on the bed recoil.

"Non, non!" Lafayette exclaims.

"Vous avez juste besoin de le maintenir à l'écart de Jefferson, il sera plus facile de le garder sobre si vous n." Hamilton calls out.

They stop talking and look over to where Hamilton sat in the doorway. Laurens and Hercules exchanged hushed whispers, and then nodded to each other.

"Hamilton, we have a plan, and we need you."

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