Chapter 3

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It's been 2 hours since my mom has grounded me. I haven't left my room. I haven't gone to the bathroom, I haven't eaten. Nothing. I've been stuck in my room for these past 2 hours doing nothing. I haven't even gone on my phone, my mom hasn't even come up here to talk to me. Well which is good..

I decided to text Austin. He's probably worried right now..

Hey Austin. :) ~S

Wait Scarlett? How'd you get your phone back? ~A

I haven't gotten out of my room. And my mom hasn't gotten me out yet.. So I still have it! :D ~S

Oh Scarlett, your to cute! :* ~A

So are you cutie! :** ~S

So how you doing babe? ~A

Eh, not good... I mean I'm so bored and tired :( ~S

Awe, I'm so sorry.. :( ~A

It's ok! Maybe you can sneak in through my bedroom window.. ;) ~S

What! No I don't want to get you more in trouble! What if your mom hears me in your room.. ~A

It'll be fine! Please.! ~S

Fine. I'll be over in 15. ~A

Yay! Thanks :* ~S

Welcome. :* ~A

Then I put my phone on the table. I went over to my closest and looked for an outfit. I just put on my 'Stay Beautiful' crop top that showed my stomach a bit and some yoga pants. Then I placed a beanie on my head and fuzzy socks. I waited for Austin to come. Until I heard a small knock on my window. I turned around and saw Austin there. I smiled and so did he. I went over to the window and opened it, he crawled inside and stood up.

"Hey baby girl." He said wrapping his arms around my waist, and kissing my nose. I chuckled.

"Hey." I said. We sat on my bed.

"So you've been stuck up here basically the whole time?" He asked. I nodded and sighed. He put his arm around my waist and gave me a hug.

"Austin?" I asked.


"Thanks.. for coming and comforting me." I said smiling.

"Your welcome cutie." He said kissing my nose. I giggled. And he began tickling me. I began to laugh loudly.

"Shh!" Austin exclaimed. I covered my mouth, he got off of me and sat on the bed. Then I heard a loud knock on my door.

"Scarlett? What's going on in there?" She asked annoyingly.

"None of your business. Now leave." I spat.

"Scarlett! Open this door now! Don't you ever talk to me like that again!" She yelled knocking on the door loudly.

"No! Leave!"

"Scarlett! Open the door! We need to talk."

I groaned. And Austin had a confused look on his face.

"Go in my closet and close the door." I whispered into his ear. He nodded and went into my closet. Then I stood up and opened the door. My mom stormed in, she looked angry.

"What do you want to talk about." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Tell me the truth Scarlett. Are you and this boy dating?" She asked.

"No. Mom! We're just friends. Ok."

"Can you call him? And invite him over?" She asked. I froze.

"Uh.. No. He's busy. How about I tell him to come over tomorrow." I said nervously.

"Ok. I need to meet this boy pronto. Oh and your not grounded anymore." My mom said while winking a me. I jumped and smiled.

"Thank you so much mom!" I exclaimed hugging her tightly.

"Yeah. Yeah.. Now go do your homework. Dinners ready in 30 minutes." She said walking out of the room. I jumped and danced.

I ran over the door, I closed and locked it. Then I ran to the closet and opened it.

"Your not grounded anymore!" He exclaimed jumping out at me making me fall backwards.

"Yeah! Well I think you should go home. It's getting late." I said.

"Awe, alright." He said standing up. He walked over to the window and I opened it for him. He went out, and he turned around.

"I'll come over tomorrow. Since your mom wants to meet me." He said winking.

"Ok. See you tomorrow." I said giggling.

He kissed my cheek and I blushed. He jumped down and I watched him as he disappeared.

Am I falling in love with Austin Mahone?

I went over to my backpack and took out my textbooks. I did my homework until my mom came and knocked the door.

"Scarlett. Dinners ready." She said.

"Coming!" I said, I opened the door and ran downstairs. I saw my brother sitting in his seat waiting for the food.

"Hey sucker." I said ruffling his hair.

"Don't do that!" He yelled slapping my hand away.

"Jeez. Someone's not happy." I said rolling my eyes. I sat down. My mom had the food I'm her hands and she was bringing it over to the table.

"No duh. I got beat up." He spat.

"You got what!" My yelled dropping the food. I gasped and rushed to clean up the food.

"I got beat up so.." Jacob said standing up from his seat.

"Jacob! Why didn't you tell me!" My mom yelled getting angry.

"Sorry ma." He muttered. So I was the only one cleaning up, aw isn't that sweet...

"Oh Scarlett. Let me help you. And Jacob come help two! Your the one who made me do this mess!" My mom said helping me out.

We cleaned the food and moped until the place was cleaned. When we finished we sat on the couch and watched tv.

"How about we order pizza.." I mumbled breaking the silence.

"Yeah let's do that.." My mom said walking into the kitchen.

"So I heard you got grounded because of a boy.." Jacob said smirking.

"Yeah so what!" I said.

"Hehe, Scarlett's got a boyfriend!" And he repeated that over and over again.

"Your dead!" I yelled rolling on top of him. I began tickling him and he started yelling and laughing.

"Scarlett! No! Stop!" He laughed. I let go and smirked. He came running to me and tackling me. I fell backwards and Jacob started hugging me and said something I've never heard him say before.

"I love you."

My heart melted. That is the cutest thing ever! Besides Austin.. Hehe..

"I love you two." I said kissing his forehead. He giggled and sat on the couch. Then I looked at my mom who was.. Crying?

"Mom? Your crying.?" I said standing up and walking towards her.

"Sorry. That was just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm glad you and Jacob are getting along." She said wiping her tears that were currently streaming down her cheek.

"Mama!" I said hugging her. She chuckled and we waited for the pizza to come.


We ate our pizza and now I'm trying to sleep.. But I can't.

Austin's on my mind. Gosh, I'm falling for him.. He's literally my weakness.

Then my phone beeped. I groaned and grabbed it. Who could be texting me at 12?

Hey! Can't sleep. Your on my mind. ~A

Awe, your on my mind also! ~S

Haha. What a coincidence! ~A

Yeah! Haha :) ~S

Well I should let you sleep. Goodnight :* ~A

Ok, goodnight. :** ~S

Then I put my phone down and went to sleep.


I woke up and it was 10 am. I sighed and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. Then I just put in some yoga shorts, a shirt and socks. I brushed out my hair and I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Scarlett." Said my mom, she was cooking the food.

"Good morning Ma!" I exclaimed.

"Can you go wake up Jacob for me please?"

"Yeah sure!" I said running up the stairs. I walked into Jacobs room and he was sleeping. He looked like an angel sleeping peacefully. Too bad I had to wake him up..

"Jacob. Wake up!" I said shaking him. He groaned and turned around making his back facing me.

"Jacob. Wake up!"


"My moms making bacon!"

"I'm up!" He said jumping off his bed and running into the bathroom.

"That's right." I whispered to myself. I walked back into the kitchen and helped my mom out with the food.

"Thanks Scarlett." My mom muttered.

"No problem." I said. She smiled and placed the food on our plates. I sat down and ate my food.

"So when I'm going to see that boy of yours?" My mom said breaking the silence.

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry! So what's his name?"'

"Mom were not dating!"

"I know that! I just wanna know his name."

"Fine, his names Austin." I said blushing a bit.

"Awe, that's a cute name!"

"Yeah. He's actually not bad. He's assigned to a record company. Has his own songs, and currently is working on an album. And he has a lot of fans! He plays guitar, and piano. I think..." I said. My mom smiled.

"He sounds amazing." She said smiling.

"He is.." I mumbled. My mom giggled and I blushed.

"Go get dressed! And tell him to be here in 2 hours!" My mom said.

"Ok!" I said putting the dirty dishes in the sink. I ran upstairs.

Good morning! And be at my house in 2 hours! And dress nicely ;) ~S

Good morning! And ok! :) ~A

Thank you! :] ~S

Haha. So how are you? ~A

I'm fine. Excited.. ~S

Awe! Haha well I have to go! I have to take a shower and change to go over! Bye! ~A

Ok bye! ~S

Bye. :* ~A

I went over to my closest and looked for something to wear. I picked out a dress. It was light pink on the top half, and white on the bottom half. It even had a cute pink bow in the middle of the two colors. I curled my hair and applied makeup. I placed my pink pumps on, and sprayed some perfume on.

I went downstairs. And saw my mom cooking food.

"Hey momma! Need help?" I asked walking towards her.

"Woah. Scarlett! You look amazing!" She exclaimed she eyed my outfit. And I chuckled.

"Thanks mom! Now need help?"

"Yeah can you cheek on the food while I go pick out an outfit for Jacob. And I change?"

"Sure! Don't worry!" I said. She smiled and left.

I checked on the food while my mom was gone. Then my phone beeped. I grabbed it which was in the counter. I unlocked it and read the message.

Stay Away from Austin. You hear me! Stay away from him if you know what's best for you.. ~Unknown

Who could that be? Hilary! It's probably Hilary! Wait but how'd she find my number? That's so creepy..

My mom came back and she looked gorgeous! She had on a red dress that had some details on it. And her hair was straightened and she was wearing her white heels.

"Momma! You look gorgeous!" I exclaimed. My mom chuckled and I giggled.

"Thanks honey! Is the food done yet?"

"I don't know. It's half way done." I said peeking at the food.

"Ok I'll take it from here. You go sit on the couch while Austin comes.." She said smiling.

"Okie dokie!" I said skipping to the living room. I sat down and watched some tv.

After about an hour the door rang. I jumped from the couch and ran to the door. I looked in the mirror that was by the door. And fixed my hair and checked if I looked good then I looked out the window. I saw Austin standing there all handsome and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I smiled and opened the door.

"H-Hi Austin.." I said shyly.

"Hey! You look.. Wow!" He exclaimed. I blushed and giggled.


"These are for you." He said handing me the flowers. I smiled and gradually took them. I admired them and smelled them.

"There beautiful. Thank you so much!" I said giving him a tight hug.

"No problem."

"Uh.. Come on in.."

"Ok thanks." He said walking in. I led him to the living room.

"Wait here. I'll be right back. You may sit if you want." I said.

"Ok thanks!" He said sitting down. I rushed to the kitchen. And my mom had all the plates laid out.

"Mom. Austin's here!"

"Oh really! Ok! I'm almost done."

"Alright mom.." I said giggling. I walked back to the living room and Austin was on his phone.

"So.." I said startling him.

"Scarlett! Don't do that." He said placing his hand on his chest.

"Sorry.." I said chuckling.

"Sit." He said patting his lap. I sat down gently and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I blushed at his sudden action and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"This is nice." He whispered.


"Scarlett. Foods done!" My mom yelled. I jumped and turned around my mom was standing there with her camera in her hands.

"Mom! What are you doing?"

"Oh nothing.." She said walking back into the kitchen like if nothing happened.

"Well that was quite weird" Austin said standing up.

"Let's go in the kitchen." I said. We walked in the kitchen and my mom and Jacob were sitting in the table. I sat down and so did Austin.

"Hello Austin. It's nice to meet you." My mom said smiling.

"It's nice meeting you Mrs.Thompson." He said giving her a hug.

"Please! Call me Maria." She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"And I'm Jacob! Scarlett's favorite brother!" Jacob yelled.

"My only brother. And my only sibling." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Hello Jacob." Austin said shaking his hand.

"Do you like video games?" Jacob asked.

"I do! Do you?"

"Yep! I play Call Of Duty mostly."

"Oh that's cool!" Austin said smiling. He looked at me and smiled.

"Your family's awesome." He whispered.

"Thanks. They are quite strange also." I mumbled.

"No.." He said shaking his head. I laughed. And we talked for a bit. Then we began eating our food.

My mom had cooked pasta, bread, corn, and mashed potato with gravy.

"So Austin when can I meet your mom and dad?" My mom asked. I turned to him while smiling and he seemed sad and upset when my mom said that.

"Uh.. Well I live with my mom. But my da-dad he pas-passed away..." He said looking down. He began tearing up.

"Excuse me." He said walking out. I turned to my mom and gave her the death glare. She shrugged.

"Ugh.." I said standing up. Then I looked for him in the living room, he wasn't there. Then I looked for him outside. He was walking down the street. I still had my heels on, there's no way I'm going to catch hot to him with these shoes..

Unless I take them off..

I quickly took them off, and began running trying to catch up to Austin barefoot.

"Austin! Austin." I said while running. He kept walking and ignored me.

"Austin. Please." I said. He turned around, his eyes were watery and tears were running down his cheek.

"What!" He spat. I looked down and sighed.

"Ar-Are you okay?"

"Of course not!"

"I'm sorry my mom asked that.. We.. We didn't know.."

"Whatever. I'm going home."

"Austin please just.. Listen to me."

"I'm giving you one minute. And that's it." He said turning around.

"We didn't know. Don't go mad at me just because my mom asked that. I'm sorry. Please just calm down please." I said walking up to him and caressing his cheek. He looked down and sighed.

"Ok I'm sorry. It's that whenever people ask about my dad. I just get angry and sad.."

"It's ok. I understand." I said still caressing his cheek.

"You-You do?"

"Yeah.. Uhh.. My father passed away also." I said tearing up. He frowned and wiped the tears that were falling down with his thumb.

"I'm so sorry Scarlett." He muttered.

"It's ok.. I mean we both have something in common."

"Yeah but.. Ugh never mind. I need to head home now."

"Okay. Goodbye. Text when you get home." I said kissing his cheek.

"I will." He said walking away. I turned around and began walking to my house.

I never knew that the schools biggest jerk would actually be so kind deep down inside..


Okay! I'm sticking to this story!😊

Hopefully you guys are ok with that..

Vote, Comment, and Read!

Thank you!😊💕

Stay Strong🎀

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