Chapter 10

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"We're moving."

Those 2 words blew my mind. My mother seemed to change from worried to sad, as she said we were moving. I looked down and then up meeting my moms gaze.

"We're moving?" I asked tilting my head. My mother sighed and cupped my face with both of her hands.

"It's for you, sweetie. I'm doing this for you, I don't think things are going to well with Austin. And I think it's best to move so you won't have to worry about him. I've seen you Scarlett. You've been depressed and locked up in your room after Austin broke up with you."

"I understand mom. But how can we move? Like what about your job? What about school? What about poor little Jacob? Sure, I've been depressed but there's no need to move away from San Antonio."

"I know Scarlett. I get it, but I think it's best for you. And my job well I may or may not already got hired for a job already, and Jacob? Well he's fine with the idea. He's just sad to leave Austin behind."

"You already got a job?! So you had this in mind already?" I said standing up with and angry tone.

"Honey calm down. I just did it for you, I feel like this moving away thing will help you forget about Austin." She said looking at me with sad eyes.

"I'm going to talk a walk, goodbye mom." I said slamming my bedroom room behind me. I got on my sneakers on, and hurried out of the house.

Surprisingly, I began walking down to Austin's house. I was so angry, I couldn't even figure out how I began walking on Austin's street, his house came in sight.

I hold my breath while I rang the bell, seconds later Austin opened the door. He seemed surprised of my appearance, he wasn't wearing a shirt on, only joggers. I looked down avoiding his gaze which was on me.

"S-Scarlett? What are you d-doing here?" Austin stuttered.

"We need to talk. May I go in?" I asked softly looking up to meet his hazel eyes.

"S-Sure." He said stepping inside letting me go in. I got inside the house, and he closed the door.

"What do you need to talk about?" He said from behind. I had my back to him.

"Why did you cheat on me Austin? Knowing, that we were doing good in the relationship, until you went and kissed Hilary. Do you know how broken I felt seeing you with her. Your lips against hers, and not mine. Austin, I was waiting for you to text me the whole time you were in Miami, and I expected you to call me once you got home. But you didn't. Instead you were here kissing with her." I said letting two tears escape.

I still had my back to him, and I could feel him crying.

"I.. I.. I wasn't thinking." He muttered out.

"Oh really? You weren't thinking? Only a dumb ass would say something like that, Austin! Of course, you were thinking! But one thing you didn't think about, is how you kissing Hilary can cause you to lose me." I said turning around to face him. He was standing there with tears rolling down his cheek.

His eyes full of regret, and forgiveness. He took a step forwards cupping my face with his hands.

"I know. I'm stupid, I didn't think about that. But, I regret kissing her, Scarlett I made a huge mistake. Please, please, please come back to me. I've realized how Hilary isn't the one for me. It's you."

Tears began rolling down my cheeks as he spoke. His eyes softened a bit, I could see how he regretted breaking up with me and cheating on me. But I had to play stubborn for now, I had to see if he really regretted it, and if he really did love me.

I remained silent, he was still crying. I took a deep breath and kissed him with all my might. He looked shock at my sudden action, heck, even I was. I just felt bad seeing him so sad and that's because of me. He's sad because of me.. He would be perfectly fine with Hilary right now, until he met me. I really didn't know why he picked me though, like why me? Among all girls, he chosen me.. There were much prettier girls than me, who don't have problems in their lives. But he had chosen me. And I still needed to know why.

I felt his hands snake around my waist. He pulled me closer to his chest, we kissed like if we would die after it. I pulled away and I buried my face in his neck. He kissed my neck and buried his face in my neck.

We stood like that, I had my arms around his neck, holding him tight. Like if it would be the last hug well every have. Which I knew it would the last one, mom really didn't tell me when we're leaving but I knew it would be soon.

"I love you Scarlett." He mumbled against my skin. I walked away from his arms, he looked at me, with sadness and worry.

"Austin, I don't think we can get back together. I-I.... It's complicated." I said falling to the floor on my knees. I buried my face in my hands and I sobbed onto them. I felt warms being wrapped around my waist, I looked up at Austin. He was on his knees like me and he looked sad.

"It'll be ok. But, I don't understand what you mean by 'Its Complicated."

"Austin... I'm moving."


I'm sorry if the chapters have been short. I just want to you know upload chapters.

But I also want to work on my other books. So sorry about that.

But anyways yeah, so.. Do you think Scarlett will get back with Austin? Or will she have to move far away from him? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Stay Strong.💋

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