Chapter 27

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After having my little coffee date with Brandon, we went back to his car. I got in, and buckled the seatbelt. Brandon got in as well and started the engine. He smiled at me before driving away. The frappuchino I had ordered really had boosted my energy. I even wanted to run. Which is usually never me. I'm rarely full of energy, since I'm a lazy punk.

When we got to the parking lot of the school, I saw there was 5 minutes until school started. Which meant when we were allowed to go in.

So I decided to talk to Brandon for a little bit. We talked about Austin I little, which I didn't mind surprisingly. Because Brandon wanted some answers he had for me.

Then it was time for me to go.

"Erm... I have to go sorry. Thanks for um, the coffee." I winked as I was ready to open the door. But I felt Brandon hand on my hip. My breathing hitched and I froze. Then I looked over my shoulder, and Brandon was biting his lip.

"Brandon..." I whispered.

He leaned forwards then crashed his lip onto mine. The kiss was rough yet passionate. I felt fireworks burst inside my stomach, making a shiver run down my spine. It felt so good to be kissed again.. But I just couldn't do this. No, I couldn't. I can't just get back with Austin, he cheats on me, then I go running back to Brandon. And then Brandon does something wrong, and I go back to Austin. It's like a cycle. Sure the first time was alright. But now it just couldn't happen. It was so wrong for me. I would be considered a whore, even though it was more of me going back and forth to two boys. I pulled away from Brandon and I was trying to regain my breath and so was he. "Scarlett.. I'm so sorry." He apologized.

I bit my lip, "it's fine, I have to go. Bye, and thanks for the erm, coffee." I said as I closed the door behind me. I ran inside the school trying to keep a long distance from the awkwardness. No way was I waning to see Brandon again. It would be so awkward. It sounded awful of me, but hey, I couldn't blame myself.

Once I got in, I spotted Alex, Robert, & Zach. I smiled and ran behind Alex.

Robert and Zach gave me a surprised look. But I pressed my finger to my lips, indicating for them to keep quiet.

"What's wrong guys?" I heard Alex question. I hold in my laughter.

"Alex! My Bro!" I yelled as I gave Alex a hug. And he let out a loud scream. Some teenagers looked at us and gave us weird looks. But I ignored them. I started laughing my ass off including Robert and Zach.

"Scarlett! Oh my.... You almost gave me a heart attack you little sneaky girl!" He said as he hugged me. I chuckled and hugged Zach and Robert as well.

"Sorry bro, but I had to. I mean, long time no see right?" I said smirking. He laughed and shook his head.

"Soo... How are you?" Zach asked making my head snap towards him.

"Erm, I'm fine, I guess..." I said.

"We know about what happened, between you and you know who." Alex said frowning.

"Well no duh, you guys know. Everyone does." I sighed.

"I'm truly sorry for what Austin did. We actually talked to him and told him he was a jerk for doing that. He hung up and then send us a text. Saying that he did miss you, and that he did made a mistake. But that he couldn't do anything about it."

"What?" I said pissed off. "How can't he do anything about it? Of course he can!"

"Ugh, Scarlett, just give him time. He's really stressed with his career." Alex said as he stared at me with a serious face.

I bit my lip and looked down at the floor, "yeah, you're right. I'm being selfish," I said looking back at them.

"No you're not, we understand you want an answer. But we apologize, but you won't be getting one in probably 2 months." Robert said.

I nodded my head as I listened him talk.

"Hey Robert! Alex! And oh my, Zachary! My three favorite boys! Oh, and a sexy girl." I heard someone yell making me jump. I looked behind me and I saw a dirty blonde or blonde guy walking to us. I bit my tongue from stopping myself from bursting laughing.

"Hi, what's you're name beautiful?" He asked as he trapped me between the locker and him. My back touching the locker and the front of me facing him. He was too close for my liking.

"Um... First, get away from me." I answered back.

"Yo, man, clam yourself." Alex said as he pulled him away. I sighed in relief, and I could hear Robert and Zach laughing their asses off. I glared at them and they're laughter died down.

"So.. Aren't you going to tell me you're name?" The dirty blonde guy asked.

"My name is Scarlett."

"Good name to fit a sexy girl."

"Okay, Tyler, stop with the uncomfortable nicknames." Alex said pissed off.

I guess this guys name was Tyler? He was funny but also a douche. I wanted to laugh about myself for calling him a douche. But hey? I was right, right?

"Well it's nice to meet you Scarlett, sorry for my nicknames. I just think you're really pretty, and not to mention, hot." I chuckled.

"Well gee, thanks."

"Well we should get to class." Robert said as he looked at me. I nodded.

Good thing I had Homeroom and almost all of my classes with the boys. I couldn't handle with myself if I had no classes with them. I mean I had no other friends in this filthy school.


After 7 long torturous hours of school. The bell rang, and everyone got out of the class. Yelling through the hallways.

I laughed, I guess they were pretty happy for school to be over.

I got out of the school. But I heard someone yell my name behind my back. I turned around and saw Alex, Robert, Zach, and that blonde kid, Tyler. Running towards me. I smiled once they got near me.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Hey, I wanted to know if you'd like to come to my house. Don't worry, you know who, won't be there. He's in Miami, anyways, you want to come?" Alex asked.

"Uhhh... Yeah sure. I'll just text my mom I won't be coming home." I said smiling.

They all smiled and we walked to Alex's house. Tyler spoke throughout the whole walk. Talking about the girlfriend who dumped him, he was actually really funny. And he also talked about his life, mostly he directed it to me. But everybody listened anyways.

I felt good for once.

I felt relaxed with at least the only friends I had. Yeah sure these guys are best friends with Austin. But hey, if he's not here, that's completely fine with me.

When we got to Alex's house, I ran inside and looked for food. I spotted a peanut butter bottle in one of the cabinets. I licked my lips, and grabbed it. Devouring it with a spoon. Everybody walks in and laughs at me. I just glare at them as I enjoy my peanut butter.

"Hungry huh?"

"You betcha." I said winking at them. They laugh and shake their heads.

**Austin's POV**

"Good job today Austin. We'll see you tomorrow, have a nice day." The studio guy said as I left. I smiled back at him and say goodbye, as I leave the studio.

Ugh, it's been such a long ass day for me. All I wished was for my comfy bed.

I got to my house and got in. And I found my mother, Michelle, in the kitchen cooking pasta. I roll my eyes, like always, my mom is making pasta.

"Hey, Austin. How was the studio today?" My mother said embracing me.

"Ok, and you're making pasta again!" I yell as I laugh a little.

"Sorry Austin, I just love pasta. Now go sleep, you look, um, tired."

I nod and go off to my room. I change into only sweats. And lay on my bed. I close my eyes and start to slip into a peacful sleep, when my phone rings. I get up and punch my pillow in anger. Who had the nerve to disturb my sleep at this time?!

I looked at the caller ID, and sure enough, it was Hilary. I groan and roll my eyes as I accept the call.

"Hello?" I say harshly

"Oh, baby, that's no way to speak to you're girlfriend!" Hilary says in her annoying squeaky voice. I roll my eyes.

"What the hell do you want? I was enjoying my perfect sleep, and then you decide to call me!"

"Ugh, I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?" I say, sensing the worry in her voice.

"I'm pregnant, with Brandon's baby." She says.

I release the grip on my phone, as it falls on the ground. I was so stunned right now.


Hilary's pregnant hehe (; but with Brandon's baby ((;

I know, I'm so amusing, especially my books. HA, not.

Anyways sorry for not updating until now. I just needed a break especially with school ugh.

Can y'all please read my new book? It's called Infatuated Love and it's with the cover with ariana on it. I'm working on the book cover, but please read it [:

Thank you, and love you <3

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