Chapter 14

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"Austin you already broke my heart, and it was all your fault. So don't start saying that if I date Brandon I'll get another broke heart. Because Brandon's way better than you!" I snapped.

"But do you really think that you can deal with another broken heart?"

I was stunned by his words, they were true. Would I deal with another heart? Would I break down and cry all the time, and lock myself in my room? Would I deal it the same way I did when Austin broke my heart? All these questions kept forming in my head.

"No. I wouldn't. Did you see the way I dealt with it when you did? I don't think I can deal with another one." I said looking away from Austin's eyes.

"Exactly!" He said standing up. He grabbed my hand and made me stand up, which I did.

"Why isn't he good for me?" I asked in a soft voice. Austin looked at me and then looked away.

We were both standing close, our bodies touching. But our faces were a few inches away from each other.

"He.... I don't think it's the right time for you to know Scarlett." He said still keeping his gaze away from me. I grabbed his chin and made him look at me.

"That's fine. But as long as you aren't lying to me."

"I wouldn't lie to you Scarlett. I care about you, and I don't want to see you sad again. You deserve to be happy, your a nice girl. And you didn't deserve to go through of what I caused to make you go through." He said looking at me with regret in his eyes.

"I'll leave it in the past." I said kissing his soft cheek.

"What was that for?" He asked, confused.

I sighed. "As much as I hated you before, I don't anymore. I still love you like I did 4 months ago. And I miss being with you Austin."

"You-You do?"

"Yes. I missed you so much." I said wrapping my arms around his neck, he smiled.

Then he wrapped his arms around my waist, and I went on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. He chuckled and smiled. " I miss you two Scarlett." He muttered kissing my cheek. "I'm sorry for kidnapping you." He said looking down. I grabbed his chin and he looked into my eyes.

"It's alright. No worries." I said smiling.

"I miss seeing your beautiful smile." He said smiling.

"And I missed yours." I said pinching his cheeks. He blushed and he took me downstairs for breakfast.

"I only have corn flakes." He said turning to me.

I laughed and he giggled. "Corn flakes really? And what do you mean by I only have corn flakes?"

"This may not or may be my house....." He said.

"What? How many houses do you have? Are you rich or something? Oh, never mind I take that back cause you are right?"

"Yes. But don't consider me a spoiled, stuck up, rude, rich boy. And I have 3 homes. The one in San Antonio, then I have another home in Miami. And is one. I don't really come to this one because I'm usually in Miami or San Antonio. So yeah that's why..."

"Oh, well that's cool. I mean you don't have to pay for a hotel when you come here." I said smiling a bit.

"Totally. Haha." He said laughing.

"I'm hungry. Go cook for me kidnapper!" I said giggling.

"So I'm a kidnapper now?" He said stepping closer to me. I nodded and stuck out my tongue at him. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

We both ate Corn Flakes, which made me laugh the whole time. Then Austin took me back home, and Brandon hadn't call me the whole time, which was strange. Because Brandon would always call me and said Good Morning everyday. I took a shower and changed into some pajamas. The whole day was fun. I watched some Disney movies with Jacob, and then we had a water gun fight outside. Which was a bit fun I must admit. And then finally me and Jacob went out for some IceCream. I still hadn't heard from Brandon. And I couldn't help but feel worried.

My phone buzzed making me snap out of my thoughts. I took it out and read the message. It was a bit late for someone to be texting to me, but I pushed the thought away.

Second time? You just can't get away from Austin, can't you? Well honey, stay away from him because he's mine. And always will be. And I can't believe your cheating on your precious boyfriend, you know he's good at kissing. Have you tried it with him? What's his name? Oh... Brandon! That's it. Well stay away from Austin if you want your sweet Brandon back. Tootles. ~Hilary

I yelled in frustration. Ugh, she has to be kidding me right? That whore.. Oh she will get it someday.

And I will be there to watch her in pain. Because that's what I'm dying to see her in.

Pain. Just like she made me go through.

Now it's my turn, she will keep stealing my boyfriends? Oh hell no.

Not this time. Not this time..


**A Week Later**

"Please come back with me to San Antonio Scarlett. I can see that your not really happy to be here in Cali." Austin said while holding my hand.

We were both sitting down on the sand at the beach. He decided to take me here so we can talk things out, and I said yes. I felt like we did need to talk things out, and I'm feeling to want Austin more than Brandon. And by the way, Brandon hasn't even texted me or called me yet, and it makes me be so worried. Because, I feel like he might be with Hilary just like what happened with Austin. The idea made me angry and scared. I was scared of getting broken hearted again, but if I do. I might get back with Austin.

"Babe? I mean Scarlett?" Austin spoke.

"I'm sorry, I'm thinking." I said looking down.

"About what?" Austin asked.

"Brandon. He hasn't called me." I said looking at Austin.

"Oh.. You must be worried right? You think he might be with another girl, just like what happened with me."

"Y-Yeah. Wait, how'd you know that was what I was worried about?" I asked.

He sighed. "Because, I know why he hasn't been texting you."

I looked at him shocked. He knew all this time? But how? "How do you know?!" I asked, shouting a bit.

"Calm down Scarlett. He... This so hard to say to you. He's cheating on you Scarlett." Austin said a bit scared.

I bursted into tears and I buried my face in my hands. Austin hugged me, he gave me a small kiss on my cheek and rubbed my back.

"Don't cry please." He begged.

"S-So-Sorry." I stuttered. I looked up and I wiped away the tears. I looked at Austin and he had worry in his eyes.

"Wh-who is he cheating on me w-with?"

"Hil... Hilary." He said clenching his fists.

I stood up angrily and I walked to the water. Tears began to roll down my cheeks. I watched as the waves crashed against the shore. I walked a bit more until my bare feet touched the cool water. I wiped away a tear that had touched my top lip. It tickled a bit but I didn't pay attention to it. Why would Brandon cheat on me? The thought of him with Hilary made my blood boil. I clenched my fists and I began to breath fast. My chest rising up and down, quickly.

"Scarlett... Please calm down." Austin said from behind. His voice was so quiet it almost came out as a whisper.

"No! I'm so angry right now!" I snapped. I still was watching the sea, I was giving my back go Austin.

"Are you okay?"

"What do you think? That I'm happy right now? That I'm thinking about unicorns and rainbows?" I said turning around to face him.

He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I pushed him away and he stood there in

"Please leave me alone." I begged.

"I need to have some time to think." I said looking at the ground.

"Lets go home." Austin said wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me to his car.

We sat in silence as he drove me home. The sun was beginning to set, and I could see the moon appearing through the sky.

"Scarlett?" Austin asked.


"Um... Would you like to come to my house? You know how your mother and Jacob are not home.. And do you want to just come over for a hour if that's okay with you?" He said a bit nervous. I chuckled.

"Sure." I said smiling.

Austin sure knew how to cheer someone up. And I liked that about him, I mean he might be a jerk. But I still loved him. Somehow he is my jerk. And I want to go back with him now that I'm going to break up with Brandon the next time I see him. I can't believe Brandon would do the same thing that Austin did, after Brandon knew how sad and heart broken I felt about Austin cheating on me with Hilary. Just the mention of her name makes me clench my fist.

We arrived at Austin's house shortly. It was already dark out and it had gotten a bit chilly. Both me and Austin walked in his house.

"You can stay over night if you want, you know?" Austin said.

"Ok. I'll stay. You seem to really want me to stay so I will." I said smiling. He smiled and left the room.

I sat on his couch and a women in her thirties came in the room. She seemed surprise for seeing me here, and so was I. She was wearing a light pink dress and a white apron on top of it. I assumed she was the house keeper. She also had some dirty towels in her hands, and her hair was in a ponytail and it was a bit messy.

"Hello." She greeted while smiling.

"Hello." I said. She came closer and sat on the couch next to me.

"Did Austin bring you here? And not to be rude, but who are you?" She asked politely.

"Yeah he did. And I'm one of Austin's friends."

"Oh, are you his girlfriend? Did Austin break up with Hilary already? Wow, he moves on fast."

I chuckled. "I used to be... I'm his ex but were just friends for now. And yeah he did break up with her."

"I see... So you guys aren't dating?"

"No. We're still working things out still. Maybe in the future we might get back together." I said looking down and playing with my fingers.

"Your a sweet girl. I don't know why of guys broke up, but I wish you guys haven't. Austin mentioned you one time. Your Scarlett right?"

"Yeah I am. And haha well things happen for a reason..." I said looking up.

"Yes that's true. Well are you hungry?" She asked standing up.

"Yeah um.. What do you have for dinner?"

"We have pasta. And bread."

"Can I have some please?"

"Of course honey! I'll be back in a few." She said leaving the room.

I waited for Austin to come down. After a few minutes he appeared.

"Hey.. Sorry I was doing some stuff." He said sitting down.

"That's fine." I said smiling.

He smiled and he sat down next to me.

"Here's your food sweetie." The lady asked placing a plate of pasta on the coffee table.

"Oh thanks. Um.. I didn't get to know what your name is.."

"Oh it's Maria. You can call me Mary if you want." She said smiling.

"I see you meet Mary." Austin spoke making both me and Mary's attention go to him.

"Yeah, she's really nice and funny." I said to him.

"She's a very lovely girl Austin. Don't lose her." Mary said winking and then she left the room.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Austin.

"Yeah can I have soon of your pasta?" He asked giving me the puppy dog face.

"Sure." I giggled.

He smiled and we fed each other some pasta. We both laughed at the sauce that was on our faces. Then we ate some candy and watched a movie. Then I got sleepy and Austin let me borrow some of his clothes. We both slept on his bed, but he kept some distance between us which I actually felt comfortable of. Because sleeping with Austin is probably not a good idea. We're not a couple to be doing that. The thought of us not being a couple made me sad. Sigh....

"Goodnight Scarlett." Austin said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled. "Good night Austin."


Sorry for the late update! Gah, I hate myself right now.

I'm sorry for making you guys wait for so long! My mom took away my iPad an do wasn't able to write. So I'm truly sorry

Anyways, OMG this book got over 200 reads! I seriously love you guys! No wait, I adore you guys.

Stay Strong my loves.💋

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