Chapter 11

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Tears began to run down Austin's cheeks. He tried to say something but he just shut his mouth and cried. I hugged him letting him cry on my shoulder.

"Yo-Your m-mo-moving?" He stuttered.

"Yes Austin. I'm moving soon, I'm so sorry." I said said planting a kiss on his cheek.

He wiped his tears and cupped my face. "I understand Scarlett. B-But please don't fo-forget about me." He said. I smiled and nodded.

"How can't I forget about you?!" I said giggling. He glared me and rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, I don't want you to leave. Can't you stay?" He asked with a annoyed tone.

"Sadly, no." I said looking down, he still was cupping my face.

He sighed and took a deep breath. "I can't believe I'm saying this but... I'll miss you Scarlett."

"I'll miss you two Austin. Don't worry I'll come to visit." I said smiling.

"And I'll come to visit also."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to do that. My mom kinda hates you now."

"Oh.. I get it, I broke her daughters heart. Which I truly regret, Scarlett. I'm so sorry." He said kissing my lips.

I smiled, "I-I'm never going to forgive you but I will forget about it."

"That's fine, at least we leave it in the past." He said smiling. I nodded and kissed his cheek. I stood up and walked over to the front door.

"Do you want me to drive you or..?"

"Take me out to eat please, I kinda got in a argument with my mother about how we were going to move. I don't even agree with her. But, I mean I have to." I said taking a deep breath trying not to cry.

"Ok, I'll take you to Burger King." He said chuckling. I giggled and we both went to his car.

"What the hell is she doing here?" A angry voice asked from behind us. Me and Austin both turned around and Hilary was standing there furious.

"Hilary.." I whispered.

"Don't Hilary me! You freaking asshole! Get away from my boyfriend!" She said pushing me. I fell to the floor and Austin stood there paralyzed.

"Don't ever push me like that again, Hilary! I'm not kidding." I snapped standing up.

"Ha! You actually think you can fight me? Pssht, I'll knock you out in one punch."

I got so angry, I punched her in the face making her fall down. She laid on the ground whimpering.

"You don't know what I'm capable Hilary. And I don't suggest to make me angry either. Or I will hurt you, badly." I muttered. Austin looked at me with worried eyes.

"A-Are you ok?" He asked walking to me. I nodded and gulped.

"Austin? Aren't you going to tell her what you told me yesterday?" Hilary said while smirking. She stood up and walked over to me and Austin.

I looked at Austin with a confused look on my face. "Austin?" I asked.

"Hilary just shut up and leave." Austin snapped looking at Hilary with cold eyes.

"No. Not until you tell her what you told me."

At this moment I feel completely and utterly confused. I mean what's Hilary talking about? What had Austin told her? I looked at Austin and then Hilary. Austin was standing there getting nervous each passing second, while Hilary just stood there with her evil smirk.

"I didn't tell you anything Hilary." Austin growled.

"Oh but you did babe." Hilary said pressing her lips against Austin's.

I could feel the jealousy and sadness rising in me. I watched as Austin kissed back, tears began forming in my eyes. My sight was blurred by tears, tears began rolling down my cheek.

Hilary pulled back and smiled. "I love you Austin." She said sweetly.

Austin smiled and replied, "I love you two Hilary."

He turned to me and saw me standing there. I then can saw the regret in his eyes.

"Scarlett... I'm sorry..." He muttered. I held up my hand in his face indicating for him to stop.

"Austin you haven't said what you said.." Hilary said.

I turned to her and glared at her. "You! Shut up!" I yelled.

"But you should really hear what Austin told me, honey."

I turned to face Austin and he was cleared his throat to talk.

"I-I told her that our relationship was n-nothing to me, and how I used you to get Hilary jealous. After finding out that Hilary liked another guy... I wanted to get revenge since we had broken up.. And I just used you for revenge. I love her not y-y-you.."

My mouth hung open, tears began filling my eyes. Anger, sadness, and regret began rising in me.

"Austin? How could you?! I told you how much I loved you.. Everything we did. Everything I did for you, I thought you would be sad for me to be leaving. But I was wrong, since this.. I mean the relationship was nothing to you. Well I should get going. It was nice getting to know you Austin Mahone. Good luck with your music." I said walking away.

I cried until I got home. My mother was cooking when I entered the house. She immediately noticed something was wrong, she asked me what happened and I told her everything. I had to fight back the tears while I told her what Austin said. She understood and she let me cry on her shoulder. It felt being in my mothers arm, I felt safe.

Oh.. How I hate Austin right now! It's like I want to break his neck..

But I'm moving, so I won't be able to do that or see him anymore. Which will make me happy.

Never ever do I want to hear his name ever again. Not in the radio, television, news, or on Instagram.

Austin Mahone is out of my life.



**4 Months Later**

"Scarlett! Brandon's here!" My mother shouted. I sprang from my bed, when I heard Brandon's name.

Brandon is my new boyfriend. We've been dating for 2 months now. I met him at the beach will I was swimming with my new friends in my new town. My mother and Jacob and I live in California. It's always hot here, and it rarely rains. Which is good for me, since I'm not a winter person at all. Anyways, so yeah I met Brandon and we became friends. Then we began growing feelings for each other and he asked me out. The best thing is he doesn't look like Austin at all. He has blonde hair, Chocolate brown eyes. And he's a lot more tan than Austin. I have learn a lot about Brandon ever since we began dating. His father owns a mall that's in the town, and his mother owns a fashion store in New York. Which is one of the most popular stores worldwide. So I can say that Brandon's family is rich, but he's not your typical rich boy that you read in books or see on tv. Brandon's actually a gentleman and really sweet and polite my mother loves him! Jacob.. Eh, not really.. But Jacob still likes to play his play station with Brandon.

Ok back to reality.....

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and braid it in a fishtail braid, applied makeup, and put on some clothes. I decided to wear a teal colored dress with wedges, since it would be really hot today.

I did some finishing touches, and then went downstairs. Brandon was laughing with my mom in the living room, he turned around and when he saw me he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey Scarlett." He said standing up.

"Hey Brandon." I said shyly.

"I'll leave you two alone. I'll see you guys later! Don't come home late Scarlett." My mom winked before going upstairs.

"You look gorgeous babe." Brandon said pecking my lips. I chuckled and smiled.

"Thanks! You don't look to bad yourself." I said smiling.

"Oh well. Thank you!" He said giggling. He extending out his arm.

"Shall we?" He asked sweetly.

"We shall." I said grabbing his hand in mine.


Ok so this was supposed to be uploaded yesterday.. But a lot of you were so anxious for this chapter so here it is!😋

Yes, Scarlett got a new boyfriend.... And she broke up with Austin.. And it's all Hilary's fault.. Well kind of.

Don't kill me! I needed to do what had or be done!😁

So what do you think will happen in the next chapter? Comment! And vote please! And follow. Lol.

Stay Strong.🎀

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