Chapter 19

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"Popcorn!" I yelled once I heard the beep sound of the microwave. I ran over to the microwave and I opened it. I grabbed the popcorn bag, but then I felt a sting on my fingers and hand. I burned myself!

"Ow!!" I yelled.

"Austin! I burned myself! It hurts!" I said crying a bit. Austin ran over to me.

"W-What'd you do?" He asked worriedly.

"I burned myself." I whispered.

Austin rolled his eyes and chuckled, "This. Is why I love you." He said kissing my hand and fingers, I giggled and pecked his lips.

"Lets go watch the movie." He said softly as he grabbed my hand. We walked in the living room. Alex, Robert, and Zach were all on there phones. Something that made me laugh was Alex's attempt on taking a selfie. Alex was pouting, more like doing the duck face. And I started to laugh.

Alex turned around and saw me laughing at him, Alex blushed.

"Aw! Your blushing!" I said pointing to his cheeks.

"Alex." Austin growled. I slapped Austin playfully, "Chill." I said. Austin pouted and then we all began to laugh. The living room roared with our laughter.

"Omg, I can't." I said in between giggles. Two tears ran down my face because of my laughing.

I wiped them away and when I calmed down. I went over and sat next to Alex on the couch, Austin sat next to me.

"Your girlfriends funny Austin." Zach winked at me, I blushed. And I could see Austin shaking his head at Zach.

"Omg, you are possessive!" I said to Austin.

"Sorry babe, I have to make sure no one takes my girl." He said kissing my cheek, I giggled.

"Shall we watch the movie now?!" Robert yelled.

"Yes! We should!" I shouted back. "But wait what movie?" I asked softly.

Robert laughed, "Paranormal Activity 5." He said smirking.

I bit my lip, I've always hated scary movies. They made me pee in my pants and also made me have nightmares at night. "I-I don't think that's a good i-idea." I said.

"Oh come on, Scarlett! Just once.. Please!!!" Austin pouted.

"Whatever, but if I have nightmares at night. It's going to be your fault!" I said pointing at Austin.

"Don't worry, I'll be there to hold you tight if you do." He said winking. I smiled and Robert began the movie.

Thirty minutes through the movie, a very scary scene came. I screamed, and Austin hugged me trying to comfort me.

I screamed again, and Austin just hugged me tighter.

"I don't like this movie." I whispered as a few tears rolled down my cheek.

Austin kissed my tears on my cheek, "But I like it. Don't worry, if you don't like it you can go outside." He said smiling.

"Ok, I'll just go outside." I said getting up and walking outside. I closed the front door behind me, and a cool breeze brushed past my skin. I sat on the steps and I wiped away the tears that remained on my cheeks.

I went on my twitter. I scrolled down and checked some tweets from some people I was following. Then I went to worldwide trends. And it shocked me at what I saw.




My jaw dropped. People thought I was pregnant now? I ran inside the house, and Austin and the boys looked at me. They were scared at how I bursted into the room. I was panting now. I had my hands on my knees, as I tried to catch my breath.

"Scarlett? What's wrong?!" They all asked as they walked towards me. I looked up at them, and I straightened myself.

"I-I.. Look what's trending on twitter!" I shouted as I shoved my phone in Austin's hands. He looked at me scared and then he looked at the screen.

"Miley Cyrus performance at the VMA's?" Austin asked as he looked at me.

"No stupid! Scroll down!" I said still panting. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair. I saw Austin's expression change. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. Then he looked at me with the same face.

"T-This can't b-be happening." He said horrified.

"I know! I-I.. What are we going to do now?" I asked bitting my lip.

"I'm going to tweet the truth. And that is, that your not pregnant." He said handing me back my phone.

"That's what is really trending on twitter?" Robert asked.

"Yes, I was so shocked when I saw the trends."

"Really? Austin is a dad?" Alex asked with a angry face. I nodded.

"Scarlett is having a baby? Austin's girlfriend pregnant? Dude, who would trend this crap?" Zach asked.

"I don't know. But oh Jesus... Y-You don't want to see this Scarlett." Alex said shaking his head as he looked at something on his phone.

"What? What?! I need to know!" I shouted like crazy.

"Scarlett I think you should sit down." Robert suggested. I shook my head.

"No! Alex your going to show me what you saw." I hissed.

"Come on baby. Lets go to Alex's room so you can calm down." Austin said as he tried to calm me down. I took a deep breath and I hugged Austin tightly.

"It's ok. It'll be alright. Everything's going to be alright." Austin said as he rubbed my back.

"Lets go upstairs." He said as he led me to Alex's room. We entered inside, and I sat on the bed.

I buried my face in my hands and sobbed onto them. I sniffled and I could feel Austin in front of me.

"Babe look at me please." Austin said worriedly.

I shook my head, "No." I replied.

Austin's sighed, "Don't cry, we all know your not pregnant. Your just seventeen. So don't worry, I get it's just some haters trying to cause chaos." He said.

"What if this happens again? What if another rumor is created and it just you know trends! What if these kind of stuff happen all the time? I'm not going to take this well." I said with a sad tone.

Austin frowned, "I know I'm worried two, but we have to stay strong." He said as he leaned closer to my face.

He looked into my eyes and then his gaze dropped to my lips. Then he slowly crashed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he did the same around my waist. "I love you so much." He whispered against my lips. I smiled, "I love you two, so so so much." I said smiling. Austin chuckled and kissed me again.

"Scarlett are you- oh their busy." I heard Alex say. I pushed Austin away lightly, and I awkwardly stared at Alex.

"Um.. We were just going to downstairs." Austin spoke, I chuckled at him.

"Uh.. Ok." Alex said as he closed the door.

"That was awkward." I said I looked at the floor.

"Indeed it was." Austin chuckled, I looked at him and giggled.

"Come on let's to downstairs before they start imaging things." Austin said smiling as he extended out his hand. I took it and I stood up. Me and Austin walked down the stairs and Alex was whispering something to Zach and Robert.

Robert and Zach giggled and I raised my eyebrow, "Alex..." I whispered. Alex turned around and he saw me standing there with a surprised expression.

"Uh... Uh... How you guys doing?" He asked nervously.

"What did you say to Robert and Zach?" I asked taking a step forward to Alex.

"N-Nothing." Alex replied.

"Why are you scared? I don't bite, I only bite my food." I said grinning.

"I just told Zach and Robert how I found you guys making out. That's all." He shrugged.

My jaw dropped, "What the hell Alex?!" I yelled.

Alex laughed, "Sorry, I had to do what had to be done."

I shook my head at him and sat down on the couch. As I rested my head on the arm of the couch. I sighed loudly. As I closed my eyes to go to sleep.

"Take her to the basement, and let her sleep there. Robert, Zach, and I are going to watch another movie and I don't want to disturb her." I heard Alex say quietly.

"Ok, I'll take her downstairs." I heard Austin reply back.

Then I felt someone lift me up, I fluttered my eyes open quickly. And I saw Austin smiling at me. "Go to sleep princess." He said kissing my forehead, I smiled and closed my eyes slowly. Then I was laid on the couch, and Austin laid next to me as he wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me closer to his chest, and I buried my face on his chest. Austin's scent hot my nostrils, and I breathed his scent in. I heard Austin laugh. I giggled also, and then I drifted to sleep.

**Alex's POV**

"That's so cruel." I said to Robert and Zach. They both nodded and frowned.

"Who would make something up like Scarlett being pregnant?" Robert asked in a angry tone.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." I said to Robert and Zach.

"Yeah, we have to find out who's doing this. Don't you think it might be Hilary?" Zach asked.

I took a deep breath, "That's what I was thinking two. But how can she make it trend worldwide?!"

"Yeah, how can she trend it on twitter?" Robert asked.

I shrugged, "Were going to find out though. Don't you think maybe Hilary and Brandon might be on to something?"

Robert and Zach looked at each other and then at me. "Yeah, think so." Zach said.

"Dude, Scarlett almost attacked you!" Robert laughed.

"When?" I asked confused.

"When you said 'Scarlett you don't want to see this.'"

"Oh, haha. Yeah.." I said laughing a bit.

"What did you not want her to see?" Robert asked.

"I saw these really cruel things that some of Austin's fans wrote on her page. I don't want her to feel bad about them, but I shouldn't have said anything though. I don't want Scarlett to get hurt, even though I just met her today. I already feel like I need to protect her like if she's my little sister."

"So true. If she's Austin's girlfriend then she's part of the family. And it's our duty to protect our little sister." Zach and Robert said.

I smiled and nodded.


So do you think it's Hilary who started the rumor? Do you still think Hilary still loves Austin?

And the big question I really want you guys to answer in the comments is, Do you want Scarlett to have a baby?

It's an important question that needs to he answered! If this question gets five answers then sometime in the book I'll make Scarlett have a baby! With Austin!

Ok, bye!

Stay Strong.💞

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