Chapter 28

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I laugh hysterically as Alex talks about that girl we saw in the arcade.

"What was her name? I forgot." I say laughing a little.

"I think her name was Sarah. But she was hot. Too bad she had a boyfriend, I wonder what she's doing right now." Alex says as he stares into space.

"I'm pretty sure, she's not thinking about you!" I laugh. Alex gives me the death glare and chuckles.

"Probably not. I also wonder what you know who is doing."

I nod my head slightly and bite my lip, "yeah I wonder two..."

**Austin's POV**

"Hilary are you serious?! Your pregnant!" I shout.

"A-Austin, please don't yell at me. I-I didn't know this would happen." Hilary cries into the phone.

I breath heavily and angrily. As I think to myself. I need some fresh air, "Call you later, bye." I say quickly as I hang up the phone. I get up and put on a hoddie and some of my Jordan's. I go out and begin to walk to the shore. It wasn't a very cold day, it was actually warm. I remember I brought my phone, and I wanted to call her so badly. But I knew I shouldn't, she probably hates me. And I was so stupid to kiss Hilary again. Was I blind? Blind that I couldn't see that Hilary was only using me to hurt Scarlett. Gosh I'm so stupid and an idiot. I had a wonderful plan. And I needed to call some people to help me with it..

**Scarletts POV**

We ordered Chinese food. We were sitting in Alex's basement, forming a circle. I was munching on the delicious chicken fried rice and yummy chicken. It tasted so good, I wish I could have this everyday.

I almost chocked on my food when my phone started ringing.

"Uh? Hello?" I answer.

"Scarlett! Oh my lord! Thank goodness your ok! Where are you?! Why didn't you call me!!" My mom shouts onto the phone. Making me want to throw my phone across the room at how loud she was.

"Mom! Gosh! Quiet down, what's wrong?" I ask as I leave the room.

The boys watched me as I left. With concerned eyes.

"Oh nothing. I was just worried about you."

I roll my eyes, "I'm okay, well then, goodbye."

I say hanging up. That was a little harsh, but eh, whatever. I need to keep eating my chinese food.

When I got in the room again all the boys were looking at me. Tyler started laughing and said, "was that your mommy Scarlett?" He asked laughing.

"Yeah, but you'll be the one calling you're mommy, once I punch you." I threatened while smiling a little.

Tyler closed his mouth quickly and looked away. The boys laughed. "I'm so bored, what do you guys want to do?" Alex asked.

"How about we do a live stream?" I asked.

"Like the ones Austin and I do sometimes?"

"Yeah." I answer.

"Ok, let me set up the computer and camera."

I sit next to Robert and Alex comes with his computer. Putting on live stream. Then he tweeted out saying we were doing a live stream. And then we aired. There were 10,000 people watching us. Wow, that's facinating.

"Hey guys! It's me Alex! With Robert, Zach, Tyler, and a special guest... Scarlett!" Alex says cheerily.

"Hi," I say as I wave to the camera.

I had to admit I was a little nervous and shy. I mean I'm Austin's ex girlfriend. And here I am talking to his fans, wow how awkward can my life get.

**Hilary's POV**

I can't believe he hanged up on me.....

Scarlett was probably calling him. Ugh how I hate her! I wish I could kill her with my bare hands and watch her die in my arms. Oh what a wonderful sight that would be.

I felt a horrible feeling coming up my throat. I stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom. Spilling chunks onto the toilet. I threw up and threw up. After I finished I rinsed my mouth.

Ew my throw up tastes so bad.

I can't believe I'm freaking pregnant. Especially with Brandon's baby, and he doesn't even know. Ugh I was stupid, letting myself to him like that. Gosh. Pregnant at 17?!

Scarlett is probably enjoying herself right now.

While I'm here suffering...

Well I don't care anymore. I'm going to let her go to Austin. I won't go and screw them up.

I've made there life horrible already. But I'm just going to let them enjoy themselves as long as I want.

And I don't mean that I'm going to let them off the hook yet..


Omg, I'm so sorry for the long wait.

And this is a short chapter ugh it's a big mess.

I really didn't have a good idea for this chapter whatevs.

But three or two more chapters for this book, and it's over. ((;

But Scarlett's and Austin's love doesn't end there... There's more to expect.

Okay, always vote, and can y'all follow me? I always put statuses and info when I'm updating and stuff.

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