Chapter 1

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**Scarlett's P.O.V.**

Another day of school! So as you can tell I'm quite the nerd.. I get good grades I don't get nothing lower than an A. My mother is so proud of me, she wants me to study good and always focus on school. No boyfriends, no party's. But she did say I can have friends so that's good! And I have an annoying little brother named Jacob and he's 9 almost 10. So if your wondering I only live with my mom. My dad passed away when I was 12, it was a horrible night.

My dad was walking home one night. When I suspicious man walks up to my dad, pulls out a gun and shots 2 bullets at my dad.. When we got the phone call we just cried and cried for a month straight well I did. My mom was only like 2 weeks. My dad was a loving father, he would take me to basketball games, he would come to my basketball games. Everything a loving father would do. And on Christmas Eve we would dance around the livings room to Christmas carols.

Then we had to move here to San Antonio 1 year later, because it was quite a struggle for me and my mom and Jacob. So she got a job and we moved here! Now I go to San Antonio High School. I'm only 16 right now. So I have 2 more years until college.

Ok, so my name is Scarlett Thompson. And I'm 16, living in San Antonio Texas! I play basketball. And I love music, I sing and dance. And sometimes I even write my own songs, but no one knows my secret of singing. It's a very special talent I have that no one knows about!

Lets go to reality now!

I jump out of my bed and run into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and I combed my hair. Then I cleaned my face and took a shower. I washed my hair with the shampoo and conditioner. Then I scrubbed my body with body soap. I get out of the bathroom and I look for something to wear. Oh, the decisions..

I put on my turtle neck floral top, with my red high waisted skirts. Then I placed on my large cashmere sweater and my brown combat boots. I curled my hair and grabbed 2 sections and secured it with my black bow. For my make up I just made a thin line of eyeliner and a heavy coat of mascara, and I put on some red lipstick. I sprayed perfume and headed downstairs with my backpack in my hand. And I placed some rings on my fingers.

"Oh well look at you babe!" My mother said as I entered the kitchen, I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks mom I try." I said giggling. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

You see, I have this motherly bond with my mom. She always makes me feel beautiful and loved. And that's what I love about her.

"Here you go!" She said placing a plate in front of me.

"Thanks mom." I said smiling. She smiled and washed the dishes.

"Where's Jacob?" I asked.

"Oh he's still sleeping."

"Oh right!" I said placing the fork with food in my mouth. I ate my food while on Instagram, and on Tumblr.

"All done! Thanks Ma. Gotta go!" I said placing the empty plate in the sink. Then I kissed her goodbye and left. I waited for the bus and sat down on a bench that we had in front of my house. I did have my license but I still haven't bought a car of my own. I'm still saving money for it and college.

The bus pulled up in front of me I stood up and placed my backpack on my shoulder. I walked in and saw my bus driver smile as she saw me.

"Good Morning Mrs.Anderson." I said to her.

"Good Morning Scarlett. Now take a seat." She said closing the doors behind me.

I looked around for a seat and the kids were throwing paper balls around and one hit my face, I flinched. And sat down on an empty 2 seater. I placed my backpack beside me and took out my iPhone and headphones and played music. I always did this because my bus can get pretty loud and they can frustrate me. So I'd calm myself with music.

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