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Celestial Being~
    Celeste is my name. And match making is my game. I know all and see all. All over the multiverse I make sure people's destinies are in order. I even make a few friends along the way. Fun fact! I am the only one that can get Levi Ackerman to smile! That takes talent. Before you, the reader, ask "What?! You know you're in a story I'm reading?" Yes, yes I am. In your world I am known as @IAmTheShippingGodess. The author of this book you are currently reading. Now, back to why you and I are here. I am here to get my best friend Marinette (also know as Ladybug the superhero) together with my other best friend, Adrien (also known as Cat Noir). I, along with all the other fangirls of the world, just want them to hook up already. A while ago I helped them defeat an akuma, and they made a promise. They promised that if I showed up wanting them to reveal who they are they would. So I will make that happen. With a game of truth or dare! For now the first dares and truths will be made by me! But you, the readers, will be able to dare anyone you like, or suggest what a character should dare/truth another person. Now I think it's high time we gather everyone up. Let me open the portal to the world of Miraculous!
I stand arms open with white glowing spheres around my hands. A small pulsing light appears in front of me and you. Slowly the small light begins to grow in size. Sparks of blue lighting pulses out of the newly formed portal. The spheres around my hands disappear, and I guesters them towards the the doorway to another world.
"Shall we?" I ask smiling as I step into the portal.
I now stand on top of the Eiffel Tower looking out onto the city. Raising my hands over my head rays of blue lights spread across France searching for the people I seek. As they spread time slows down. Cars, people, birds slow to a stop. Every person in the world, but the people I choose, stop in time. Snapping my fingers I teleport myself into the gym of where my friends school is. With wave of my same hand a red carpet appears in the ground, and bean bag chairs fall in place. Suddenly the lights I unleashed circle around the school. Each one holds a member of Mari's and Adrien's class. Even Chloé is present. The lights descend from the sky bringing the person the keep, down with them. Each person lands on a bean bad chair, Mari especially landing right next to Adrien and her best friend, Alya. Everyone looks around in peril.
"My hair!" Chloé whines. "That stupid light thing that abducted me, mess up my hair!"
"We have bigger problems Chloe!" Alya scolds her. "We should not be freaking about hair! Or freaking out at all!"
"Well it looks like Maarinette and Adrien have the not freaking out part down." Nino points out.
Adrien and Marinette suddenly perk up from the relaxed positions they were in their chairs. They turn to each other, at first shocked, and then smile. They knew this was coming for a long time. So they knew that the person who wasn't freaking out was Ladybug or Cat Noir.
"So." Adrien speaks up. "You're my lady."
"Yeah." Mari giggles. "And you're my kitty."
"Wait." Alix says. "What's going on here?"
Slowly, I lower myself onto the ground next the group of students. My hightop heels click against the floor. "Hey guys!"
"Celeste!" The miraculous holders scream as they run in my direction. With arms opened wide they run into my embrace.
"Omg! I remember her!' Alya screams. "She helped Ladybug and Cat Noir before!"
"I sure did." I say as I pull away. "Them and me are like this." I cross my fingers and hold up my hand.
"So." Mari says putting her hands on her hips. "How do you plan on telling them?"
"Tell us what?!" Kim yells. "What is going on?!"
"Figured we could play some truth or dare." I answer Mari's question.
"Why that?" Adrien asks as he smiles at his partner.
"It's what I felt like doing."
"Can someone please tell us what is going!" Alya screams. "Mari! You're my best friend, tell me! You seem to know what's going on!"
"Something you are going to love." Mari answers as she unclips her purse. "Come on out Tikki!"
"Come on out Plagg!" Adrien says.
From Mari's purse comes the ladybug kwami, and from Adrien's jacket flies out the cat kwami.
"Ahhhhh!" Chloé screams. "It's a big bug!"
"No it's not Chloé."' I scold her. "It's a kwami. I magical creature that has created each and every Ladybugs and cat Noirs of all time."
"Wait what!?" Alya screams again.
Mari and Adrien turn towards there class mates.
"So if we're playing truth or dare. Do you dare us to do it, Celeste?" Adrien smirks.
"Dare what!?" Nino joins in on the screaming.
"Adrien. Marinette." I say. "I dare you to transform!"
"Plagg! Claws out!"
"Tikki! Spots on!"
*Ladybug and Cat Noir transform cause I'm lazy*
Ladybug and Cat Noir stand in place of where Mari and Adrien stood. Shocked faces of their class mates look at them. Cat Noir then take Ladybug's hand in his, and plants a small kiss in the back of her hand. This time Ladybug doesn't pull her hand away. Suddenly a scream echoes throughout the gym.

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