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I'm sorry about the "yelling" (I put that in parentheses because, you know, it's a book), but when all the comments are just repeating over and over about it, it gets old really fast.

Edit 3/2/2021 - I made this fanfic more than 4 years ago. I know in canon it is "claws in" and not "claws retract". The comments pointing this out are just plain annoying now so I changed it. 

I hope that new readers can still enjoy this story, and I ask you to ignore all the comments pointing out. Have a nice day

Alya stands there, screaming at her best friend's new appearance.
"Ok Alya." I shut her up. "We know you're excited to find out that your best friend is Ladybug, but you can stop screaming now."
"I can't believe it." Nino gasps. "My best bro is Cat Noir. This is awesome!"
"Ok you two." I point to the miraculous holders. "Un transform please."
"Spots off."
"Claw in."
*They turn back into their civilian forms cause I lazy*
"This explains a lot." Comments Alix. "But would miss all powerful goddess please explain this truth or dare thing?"
*I explain to everyone about the miraculous and about how they are a tv show, and finally about what this book is. Again cause I lazy*
"So what you're telling us is that right now, you in another world is typing what is happening to use right now?" Asks Max.
"That pretty much sums it up." I answer taking out my phone. "And it looks like we have our first dare! So everyone find a seat in one of the bean bag chairs, and let the fun begin!"
Everyone finds a spot in a chair, and lean forward to hear what and who has the first dare.
"Ok. The first dare is from angelina12053 'This is a dare for Adrien I want you to model some of the dresses Marinette made and sing. 'I'm a Barbie girl.'" I laugh. "Omg! That's my best friend for ya."
Adrien face become pale as the class laughs at the dare.
"You got to do it!" Alya laughs at the model.
"And I have the purr~fect dress." Mari jokes.
"I would be happy that you made a cat pun, but I really don't want to put on a dress." Adrien sighs.
"What? You think my designs aren't good for the mighty Adrien Agreste to wear." Mari snaps back while getting up in his face.
"Dang!" Nino laughs. "I like this new Marinette!"
"Me two!" Alix says.
"Nononononono! M'Lady, I just can't wear dresses. I'm a guy!" Adrien backs away from his partner.
"Yeah!' Chloé intrudes. "He's my guy!"
"Um, I think you lost him once we found out Marinette was ladybug." Alix rolls her eyes.
"Oh well then." Mari walks away, swaying her hips. "I guess you don't want the kiss I was going to give you if you did it."
Adrien suddenly has a smile spread across his face, and says. "Ok I'm in!"
"That's what I thought." I joke. "Ok, Adrien I need you to stand in this pedestal."
With the flick of my hand the circle in the center of the basketball in the gym spins and lifts up creating a pedestal. Circular stairs stick out from the newly formed platform. Adrien ascends the stairs as Marinette walks my way. Snapping my fingers Marinette's design book appears in her hands. Flipping through the pages she lands on one that seems to have caught her eye. Levitating myself off the ground I hover over her head to look at the book.
"What do you think Celeste?" Mari asks holding up the book so I can see.
"I say that I can't believe how evil you are." I laugh. "This is perfect!"
Mari and everyone else finds a seat in one of the bean bag chairs. Flying over to the podium I form pink spheres around my hands. Pink bolts of electricity pulse from the spheres.
"You ready Adrien?" I laugh.
He nods his head. Lifting up my arms so they point at him I recite a spell.
"Beware, forswear, give Adrien a dress to wear!"
From my hands the pink sphere shoot towards Adrien. His body then emits a light pink glow. After a few seconds the glow fades leaving Adrien in a pink dress that falls to his knees. In his hairs is a pink headband with a red flower. Finally on his feet is a pair of pink heels. Everyone in the gym burst out laughing. I laugh so much that I curl into a ball on the floor. Adrien face turns a bright red as he begins to sing.
"I'm a Barbie girl. In a Barbie world. Life as plastic, it's fantastic."
Nino drops to the floor from the bean bag chair, probably laughing the hardest out of everyone.
"You can brush my hair. Undress me everywhere. Life as plastic, it's fantastic!"
After a few more verses he stops.
"Oh my god! That was hilarious!" Alya laughs.
"Can you please give me back my cloths Celeste." Adrien asks embarrassed.
"Ok, ok." I say getting up. "Beware, forswear, his own clothes he shall wear."
Snapping my fingers the dress and accessories transform back into his jeans, shirt, jacket, and gym shoes. Marinette then gets up from her chair, still laughing. She then walks over to Adrien as he is lowered by the podium onto the floor. Mari then plants a soft kiss on his cheek, causing his face to become even more red.
"Ahhhhh! Noooooo!" Chloé screams.
"See." Mari smiles. "I keep my promises."
A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank again to BFF irl and on Wattpad angelina12053  for suggesting the dare for this part. Love you kitty! Anyway, please comment some dare/truths. The reason why I made this book is because I want to be more connected with my readers. So please comment. It doesn't even have to be a dare/truth (even I would like those), just tell me what I can do to make this better. Deal? Ok. Goodbye for now my lovelies. LOOOOOOOVE YOOOOOU❣💠

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