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So I was going over my profile, and I wanted to make a few changes. One being my name, and my profile picture. I really like the name Celeste and Celestia. So I was wondering if you guys could choose between the two. That, and I would like a new person for my profile picture. I'm kinda getting tired of using a fanart picture of Yui from Avatar. I want my own person. Not some random goddess picture that I find off of google. So I thought, "why not ask my readers? They understand my profile better than anyone!" So, if I dare ask, can you guys draw a OC for me? You can draw any type of girl! The only thing I look for is if she looks like a celestial goddess. And maybe galaxy hair? It can be either or. I cannot draw for my life, we all know that! (Look back to "My Pet Ori" chapter for example.) And if I can add one more thing? Can it be drawn on a computer? Just so it doesn't look like you took a picture of a piece of paper. I'm sorry if I'm being to pushy. I don't want to be like Chloé. 😅😅😆. I just would like to make my profile look more professional. I don't know how long it would take you guys. But I know drawing can take a long time. So take your guy"s time. Just PM me the picture at anytime, and I'll let you guys know when I picked one. Thanks to those who will participate. But I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all of you guys! I love you guysTo the stars and the moon❣🌙💠✨

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