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"Hey Adrien!" I shout for the model.
"What up?" He asks as he walks away from the other students.
Taking out my phone I lie. "People are daring you to do a photoshoot' I don't know why, but they want to see some of your photos."
"Do I have to?" He sighs.
"Sorry dude." I say, summoning a portal. "This will take you to the stage. You'll have different people helping you. Don't worry they're better than the other people at your usual shoots. I promise.
"Fine." He sighs as again as he enters the portal.
Once the portal closes Nino and Mari yell at me. "HOW COULD YOU MAKE HIM DO THAT! HE HATE PHOTOSHOOTS!"
"Relax guys!" I scream, trying to calm him down. "It's not the real dare! I only did that to get rid of him so we can set up for the real dare."
"What is the real dare?" Alya sasses.

""What is the real dare?" Alya sasses

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"These people." Max sighs. "They come up with the crazies and awesomest things!"
"So what's the plan all mighty God?" Alix ask.
"One, I am the Goddess of Shipping. Two, we're going to replace him as Cat Noir and Marinette's boyfriend."
"With who?" Asks Rose.
"With Adrien of course."
"I'm going to make a clone. It's the only way Adrien is going to get jealous. Remember copycat Mari?" I reason.
"Like it was yesterday." She nods her head. "Now I now why he said he cause it."
Clapping my hands, clone of Adrien of materializes from the feet up. Everything about him is the exact same as the original. But, it knows it's a clone, and it knows that it's only purpose is for this prank. It may have a free will be, but I still control him. The clone Adrien wraps his arms around Mari's waist, while fist bumping Nino.
"I don't feel right about begin with another person." Mari says. "Even if he's suppose to be an exact replica."
"It's fine Marinette." Alya reassures her. "It's just for a the dare. After that you can hug and kiss Adrien all you want."
"Shhh." I quiet them. "Here he comes."
"Celeste! There wasn't anyone there." Adrien says as he steps back through a portal that has appeared.
Adrien's POV (Bet you didn't expect that!)
As I walk back in the portal I shout. "Celeste! There wasn't anyone there!"
Look over to see Celeste hovering over the class that surrounds Marinette and.......ME!? I mean not me, but ME! Like a clone!
"Wow! Did you really climb Mt. Everest?!" Kim asks clone me.
"Yup." He says.
"I would expect anything less." Mari sighs, resting her head on clone me's shoulder.
I march myself up to the fake, and push him off MY GIRLFRIEND.
"Hands. Off. My girlfriend!" I sneer.
"It's just a prank bro." My clone says before evaporating in a cloud of smoke.
turning around I grab Mari by her waits, and smash my lips onto hers. I couldn't care less what just happened. I couldn't care less about what my class thinks of me. The only thing I care about now is that My Lady is with me. Now and forever.

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