I'm Sorry

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Hey guys! IAmTheShippingGoddess here! As you all know posted a chapter with photos from another book. Well the people that make that book kindly reminded me that have they have rule I have stupidly forgotten about. And for that I have taken the last chapter down, and will be redoing the dares. Also, I wish to formally apologize to TheLadyblog and to all of the people there. I am sorry for my ignorance, and I hope you can forgive me. I'm just 15 years old and still learning how the world works. But I will not use my age or anything else as a excuse. I was stupid. I wasn't thinking, and I feel awful. From now one I will read your rules for all the books I read by you guys. Keep up the good work! I love what you guys are doing, and again I am terribly sorry.

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