Permanit Marker

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"Ok, last dare Lila." I say, looking at my phone. A devil smile spreads across my lips.
"What now?!" The dark haired yells, worriedly.
I show her, and only her the dare.

(A/N: I'll make them confess if someone dares it

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(A/N: I'll make them confess if someone dares it.)
"Looks like I'll be their for a while." Lila sighs, glaring at said four.
I summon a dumpster that stinks of rotting eggs, fish, and everything else imaginable that would be found in the trash.
Hesitantly, Lila climbs into the trash.
(A/N: I love you @Foreverladynoirlover)
"Moving on." I say. "These next two are for Mari and Adrien."

"I know just what to write

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"I know just what to write." Adrien smiles.
"Please don't make it a dick." Nino scolds.
"Dude!" Adrien yells. "I wouldn't do that to her. Who do you think I am?!"
"Apparently Cat Noir."
I fall from my spot in the air to the floor laugh. "I love you, Nino"
Alya lets out a low growl, barely recongizable. But I can hear it with my super hearing.
Don't worry girl. He's all yours. I telepathically say to the ombré hair girl.
Stop reading my thought! She mind screams at me.
Don't need to sweetheart. It's written all over your face.
Snapping my fingers, a permanent marker appears in Adrien's hand.
Marinette then moves her bangs out of the way of her forehead. "I trust you."
Adrien cups her face with his left hand while he writes with his right. Stepping back he admires his work. On the blue haired girl's forehead is "I'm ladybug, and I ❤️ Cat Noir" in green letters but the heart which is red.
Summoning a hand mirror, I hold it up for her to see.
"Well it's true.What's the next dare?" She ask, her bangs covering up the markings.

What's the next dare?" She ask, her bangs covering up the markings

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"It's only fair."  Marinette say, setting a hand on her boyfriends shoulder.
Everyone sets themselves up again as the appearances change to Adrien. Marinette surveys each and everyone one when she opens her eyes. Again I know the outcome of this situation, but, again, I will not spill. Just as Mari was about to guess where her lover was, she got a brilliant idea. Steping up to each Adrien, lightly starching udder their chin. Most look at her questionably. After a few tries the next Adrien purrs as she starches his chin. Mari then kisses him on the lips, then pulls away smirking. "That's my Kitty."

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