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"What's pocky?" Rose asks sweetly

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"What's pocky?" Rose asks sweetly.
"It's a kissing game." I say as a box of pocky materializes in my hand. "Two people have to hold the same stick in their mouths and takes bits, getting closer and closer. It ends in two ways. The first being one chickens out by pulling away, and loses. The second being the two end up kissing."
"Oh." She says.
"Ok everyone! Partner up!"
Two by two, everyone partners up. Nath and Juleka, Max and Kim, Alya and Nino, and so on and so forth.
(I don't ship these people, minus Alya and Nino, I ship Nath with myself.)
Obviously, I myself, pair Mari up with Adrien.
I float pocky sticks to each pair.
"We'll go one by one for now. First up, Max and Kim." I announce.
Kim takes the pocky stick into his mouth, and the other end goes in Max's. Slowly they start to take bites. Their faces get closer and closer. Suddenly Kim pulls away, leaving Max grinning with pride.
"Max wins!" Rose sequels.
"Next, Nath and Juleka!"
They set up the same as Max ad Kim.
Closer and closer they get. Nath's face grows red the closer his face gets to Juleka.
They get closer and closer....and closer......and closer

And then JULEKA pulls away first.
"Nath wins!' Rose announces again.
Everyone goes one by one. Soon only a few remain.
"Next, Chloé and Lila!"
"What?!" They scream at the same time.
"You heard me." I sass.
Lila takes the stick into her mouth first, then Chloé.
Lila takes the first move, then Chloé. One by one, pieces of the stick are eaten. Suddenly the leg of chair Chloé sits on breaks, causing Chloé to lurch forward and kiss Lila straight on the mouth. Both instantly pull away gagging. Literally everyone is on the floor laughing, including me.
"You did that on purpose!" Lil screams.
"That...wasn't...me." I say in between laughs. "But I wish I did! Fate sure is funny."
"Fate hates us!" Chloé screams.
"Ok! Last people! Mari and Adrien!" I fangirl.
Adrien places the candy stick in his mouth, and wiggles his eyebrows at his girlfriend. Mari rolls her eyes and places the other end in her mouth.
Telepathically I tell Alya to record it. She instantly pulls out her phone, and hits record.
Closer and closer Adrien's and Marinette's face get closer. Adrien then suddenly lurches forward, on his own, and crashes his lips onto hers.
"No!" Lila screams.
"Ok, stop you to before you guys start to make out....again." I mumble the last part.
"What do you mean again?" Nino smirks. "Did you guys make out while in the bedroom."
Adrien and Mari's face are reder the Nath's hair by now.
"Guilty as charged." I laugh. "Remember. I know all, and see all."
"No one is safe!" Alya says.
A/N: ARE YOU HAPPY NOW HTTYDFROZEN2002⁉️ POCKY! Lol. If you guys haven't seen our comment conversations, all they ever say is the word pocky. Go check it out for yourselves. Lol. Anyway hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. Luv you guys To the stars and the moon ❣✨🌙

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