I was tagged

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I was tagged by iI'merfectlyperfect06
So here it is.

Maya  (Thank you Huntress_Vampire )
And My lady ( Thank you BichCallMeSkittle )
Hair color
Dark Brown
Fun Fact
I prewrite all my stories in a journal before I type and publish them.
Favorite Color
Favorite Place
1. My room (cause I can sleep)
2. Computer room. (I watch YouTube and work in there. It's more like a store all room with a computer in it.)
3. Living room (When my parents aren't home I sit on the couch and watch YouTube on my iPad.)
Favorite Animal
I have to many.
Dolphins, wolf, penguins, owls, foxes, turtles, seals, whales, etc.
Favorite Celebrity
I honestly don't care about celebrities. I don't follow any, but I like the person that plays Hook from Once Upon A Time. He's HOOOOOOOT!
Favorite Song
Too many to count. I cannot for the life of me stick to one favorite song. I'd find a song I love listen to it and nothing else for days. Then I'll find another and do the same thing. Then repeats again! But I will listen a few.
1. I'm In Love With An Angel
2.Unstoppable ~China Anne McClain
3. Hurrican ~ Forever In Your Mind
4. Lucky Strike ~ Maroon 5
Favorite Book
Idk anymore. I've had so many. But off the top of my head, Legend series by Marie Lu.

And that guys is stuff about me. TIME TO TAGG PEOPLE!

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