I Want To Say I'm Sorry

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"Pleas Celeste Senpai!" Megan begs me.
"No." I say for the millionth time. "I don't trust you with my phone after you chucked it into the lake."
"I said I was sorry!" She whines. "I was watching Jacksepticeye play Fnaf and the jumpscare got me. But, please let me read the next dare."
Folding my arms I turn away so I don't face her.
"Fine." She huffs. "I'll just have to go over your head."
"How can you go over my head?" I laugh. "I a freaking goddess among man."
"Like this."
Megan proceeds to pick up Ori off my shoulders, and they both look up at me with pleading eyes. Megan I can ignore, but Ori. HE SO KAWI!!!!!!!
"Please let Megan read the next dare!" Megan asks again.
"Must. Resist. Cuteness." I say. I try to block my vision of Ori, but it's to much cuteness.
"Fine. I'm going to cuddle my pet!" I yell, swapping my phone out for Ori. Living things are better anyways.
"Success!" I celebrates. "Let that be a lesson on how to get stuff from a celestial being. It's like Manon's doll face for Marinette."
"It doesn't work on me anymore!" Said girl yells.
"Sure." Alya says smugly.
"Anyway the next dare is for Chloé." Megan announces while I cuddle up to Ori in a Ben bag chair.

" Megan announces while I cuddle up to Ori in a Ben bag chair

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"Nooooooooo!" The blond yells. "Not my babies!"
"You got to do it Chloé. But don't worry we'll give you a make over later." Megan says.
"Celeste if you would."
Not paying a attention to the others I snap my fingers so they won't ask again, and continue to snuggle with Ori. Chloé is magically transported in front of her dad's hotel with cameras set up. Camera crew await her to speak as they go live on the news. The world around un freezes as she begins to speak
"I want to apologize for all the wrong I did to other people and my classmates." She starts off. "And I want to thank my new found friend Celeste and Megan for showing me way terrible ways. To make it up to them for all the things I've done I'm donating all my top brand clothes to charity."
After her little speak everyone around claps, and starts to freeze again. Chloé teleports back into the gym.
"I better be getting that makeover."

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