Did they know?!/Payback Time!

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PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END. THE VERY EXISTENCE OF THIS BOOK DEPENDS ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😂 😆 😝
I'm not sure if I should bring her here or not. Mari would probably kill me... and her for the matter. I'll wait a little longer.
"Ceeeeeeeleeeeeeeeste." I hear as something is waved in my face.
"W-wha?" I mumble.
"Celeste!" Adrien screams in my ear.
"What!?" I scream as I snap out of my daze.
"You ok? We lost you there for a second." Mari asks while she hands me a hotdog to eat. We all sit at a picnic table I summoned, along with a full buffet for lunch.
"Yeah!" I answer a bit to quickly. "My mind was in another world. Literally."
"Oooooooooooh." Alya purrs, interested in what I have to say. "Tell us about this world."
"Well, I was over seeing my other self. You know making sure I was doing my homework." I explain.
"Booooooooooooring." Kim yawns.
"Then I guess you don't want to hear the anonymous truth and dare that I received in the other world." I tease.
"Ooooooh!" Rose squeals. "Who's the truth for?"
"It for two people actually." I hint. "And there not even people."
Everyone in the room looks at me strangely. Shock and confusion written on their faces.
"It's for Tikki and Plagg!"
"Yay!" Says the adorable ladybug kwami.
Picking up the magical creatures off of the picnic table I hold them to my chest. Little does anyone know that I created the miraculous charms (this is just something I made up. It is not an actually thing in the real series). I'm the one that gave all the kwami's life. I consider them my kids, and I love them to death.
"Ok." I sigh. "The question is if you guys have always known who Cat Noir and Ladybug is. Like if Tikki knew Adrien was Cat Noir, and vice versa. the question has been going around for awhile after they saw the turtle kwami sense the moth kwami."
"Omg! Whoever asked that is a genius!" Alya screams.
"Well, they asked for it to be anonymous, so can't tell you." I sing song. "Ok. So what's the answer my little cuties."
(I literally think Tkii and Plagg are the cutest things I've ever seen. Like once I saw them I was "OMG THEY ARE TO CUTE!! TIKKI IS SO SWEET AND HELPFUL! THEN THERES PLAGG THAT IS SO FUNNY AND CUTE!!!" Ok. My rant is over. Enjoy the chapter!)
"I honestly had no idea. I think only Wayzz can sense other kwamis." Tikki answers.
"Yeah!" Plagg agrees. "If I would have known I would have told Adrien so he wouldn't have bugged me for so long on trying to figure out who Ladybug is!"
"Well, it's nice to know my Kwami didn't hide my true love identity from me." Adrien smirks as he wraps Marinette in his arms. The bluenette giggles at the statement, then plants a quick kiss on her boyfriend's cheek.
"Awwwwwwww." I fangirl at the action. "Kaaaaaaaawi!!!!!!!!!"
Everyone gives me the 'what the hell' look.
"Sorry." I cough.
Then, to save me from more embarrassment, my phone rings. THANK THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THE UNIVERSE. Oh wait, that's me. Hehe.
"Hahahaha." I laugh nervously as I take my phone out off my pocket. "Oh, look! We got another dare!" 
"Who's it for?!" Nino asks, ready to laugh at someone else.
"Funny you should ask Nino."

@ladybugfangirl "Payback in the finest

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"Payback in the finest." Adrien nods in agreement.
"Noooooooo." Nino screams as he dramatically falls to his knees.
"Ok drama queen." I Alya says as she pulls her boyfriend to his feet. "Now get on that stage. Marinette pick out a dress!"
"Already pick one." Mari giggles as she hands me her design book again. "I had a feeling that I would need another one."
(A/N: another one.)
"Evil Marinette returns I see." Adrien laughs at the dress the heroin has picked out.
Levitating myself off the ground I float up to Nino, who now stands on the podium. Light green orb glow around my hands, while green bolts of electricity pulse around my entire body.
"Beware, forswear, give Nino a pretty dress to wear."
The bolts leave from me to Nino, causing him to glow a soft green. After a few seconds the glow fades, leaving Nino with his hands on his hips.

"Sing for us, Nino!" Alya screams light a fangirl

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"Sing for us, Nino!" Alya screams light a fangirl. "Sing for us!"
"Cause baby, now we got bad blood. You know it used to be mad love. So take a look at what you've done. 'Cause baby now we got bad blood!" Nino starts to sing in a horse voice. "Hey! Now we got problems. And I don't think we can solve them. You made a really deep cut. And, baby, now we got bad blood!"
I have to cover my ears as he finishes the rest, along with the rest of the class.
"Okay! Okay. If I change your clothes back would you PLEASE SHUT UP!" I scream, shutting up the noise we call Nino's singing.
With the snap of my fingers Nino's old clothes replace the ballet dress.
"Thank you."
"Just don't sing again, bro." Adriaen's says while wrapping an arm around his best friends neck.
"Hey guys." I interrupt their bonding moment. "I have a question for your guys."
"What is it?" Marinette, curious.
"Should I bring Lila here?"
A/N: CLIFFFHANGER!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! I've been thinking of adding Lila to the story but I'm going to leave that up to you guys! So comment if I should add Lila. Goodbye for now my lovelies! Looooooooove yoooooooou❣💠💖

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