My Pet Ori

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"Celeste!" Mari yells. "Give that phone! I want to see what you crazy people are daring!"
"No!" I yell, cradling my phone to my chest. "You have a habit of stealing other people's phone! I will not let you have mine!"
"When have I ever stolen someone's phone?!" She questions, trying to snatch the phone away.
I hover mid-air, and list. "Adrien's phone, Alya's phone, Chloé's phone."
While I count on my fingers Mari grabs my phone out of my hand, scrolls through the dares. I chase after her, trying to get my previous item back.
"Oh, revenge time." The bluenette giggles.
I freeze at the unexpected laughter. "Oh no."
"What is it?" Rose asks.
"I have a feeling I'm the one with the next dare." I sigh, resting a hand on my forehead.

(AAAAAAAAHHHHHH IM SOMEONES SENPAI! IM SO HAPPY! ☺️😊🤗)"No! I'm the worst at drawing!" I whine

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"No! I'm the worst at drawing!" I whine.
"A dares a dare. You have to do it." Max say matter-a-factly.
I sigh again and create a paper and pencil in my hands. I start to trace a head then body, after that I start to color. A few minutes later my picture is finished.

(I'm sorry! I'm such a terrible drawer! Please forgive me! I cannot draw to save my life! Btw, I drew then edited in a app to make it more eye appealing

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(I'm sorry! I'm such a terrible drawer! Please forgive me! I cannot draw to save my life! Btw, I drew then edited in a app to make it more eye appealing.)
I set the paper down in the picnic table left from lunch for everybody to see.
"That's....." Kim's says.
"I know it's bad!" I snap. "Just let me do the dare."
As my hands start to glow the paper starts to hover in the air.
"Beware. Forswear. Make this girl appear over there!"
The paper then bolts over to where I pointed, and starts to glow pink. It gets brighter and brighter as it morphs into the body of a teenage girl. The glow dims, leaving a blond girl holding a white creature.
"Hey Megan. How's the pet sitting going?" I ask the girl.
"Fine but Ori misses you." She says, setting the white creature down. It then bolts my way, as I scope it up into my arms to give it a hug.
"What is that?" Alix asks, excitedly.
"This is my magical pet Ori."

"It's so cute!" Alya squeles

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"It's so cute!" Alya squeles. "Can we pet it?"
"Let him warm up to you first. He just was introduced to people over than me."
Ori, for some odd reason, starts to glare at Lila, who is still pouting in a dumpster.

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