What? How Did You Get Here?

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I just love the way minds of people from my world work

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I just love the way minds of people from my world work. They are to funny!
"Mari! Adrien!" I call out to the miraculous holders.
"Wait?!" The yell back at the same time.
"Make out." I command. (Hey! You two should Kiss!)
They give me the 'WTF' look, and shrug their shoulders at each other.
"Do it. Now!"
Not questioning it they, connect their lips.
"With tongue!"
"Can we please have some privacy?" Mari ask shyly. (Awwww. I hate doing this to her! I feel bad!)
"Nope! It's a dare!"
Wanting to get this over with, Adrien pull his girlfriend into a passionate kiss.
Marinette POV (Bet you tought we never see her POV did ya? Lol.)
Why do I have to kiss him?! Not that I mind, but there's something more to this.
My thoughts were interrupted when Adrien ran his tongue on my bottom lip. Parting my lips a bit, his plunges his tongue into my mouth. I feels weird for the first few second, but starts to feel like second nature. Adrien wins our tongue battle, and claims my mouth as his.
"Stop!" A new voice commands.
Adrien and I pull back to look around for the owner of the voice. A puff of white smokes appears next to Celeste. A girl with dark hair stands where the smoke evaporated.
"Gotcha Bish." The mysterious girl says, then disappears again.
I point to the place where she was, and look at Celeste. "Whaaaaa?"
Celeste holds out her phone for us to she.
'That makes much more sense." Adrien comments.

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