22| Argument

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Kageyama's Pov.

I knew from the start that Arisu wasn't really in love with me despite she confessed to me, it surprised me.

I'm delighted that she felt that way for me, but I rejected her feelings of love.

I'm was always watching them so I know that they have feelings for each other, and yet I can't accept that...until I rejected her.

Her smile towards Hinata...she never let me see that kind of smile, there was a difference with the smile she gave me and Hinata.

"So, why didn't you accepted Kisaragi-chan's feelings?" Sugawara-san asked me as we were fixing our stuffs after practice.

"That's...I don't know" I admitted honestly as I heard some of our teammates leave for home.

The skies are dark outside as it was past 7'o clock, it was getting late so Coach Ukai dismissed us.

"Hey Arisu, did I do good today's practice?" Hinata asked Arisu, as he was fixing his stuff, yet he wasn't with me and Sugawara-san, he was on the bleachers.

"Yes, your jumps are so cool" She said with a smile on her face, as Hinata's face began steamed.

"Thank you" He replied with a soft smile as he kept his gaze on her.

Sugawara-san seems to notice my pained expression, as he tapped my shoulder while I turned to him.

"Let's talk about this outside, okay?" He said as I nodded.


I looked up as I saw the moon smiling down on me, while the night was still young yet so dark and cold.

"So, why did you rejected Arisu's feelings when you regretted it?" He asked me with a hint of gentleness in his voice.

I looked on the grass as I was stepping on it with my shoes, I just kept my head lowered down.

"Because I knew Arisu doesn't really have feelings for me" I answered as I was kind of sad.

"But, she confessed to you, right?" He asked me as I nodded in reply.

"Yes, she did...but, I can't feel her love in the confession" I answered.

"What do you mean?" He asked me once more, as I bit my lower lip.

"Even I know that she is in love with that idiot Hinata" I said.

"Yeah, everyone knows...except Hinata and Kisaragi-chan, herself"
He said as I stayed in silence.

There was a moment of silence between us as the wind slapped my face with a weak hit.

"But, you do love her, right?" He asked again as a smile curved my lips.

"Yeah, I love her...I really do" I said as I looked up to the sky.

"So, why...?" I know his confused, as everything was now clear to me.

"She's just confused in what she feels about me and Hinata, she still hasn't realised that she isn't in love with me" I said with my lips quivering a bit.

"W-What? I don't understand" He said as he looked at me with a confused expression.

"If I accept her feelings, she wouldn't be happy being with me...she'll just be upset" I said as somehow I could feel my heart cracked.

"How are you so sure? It might be the opposite" He interjected.

"Because I know the both of them are in love with each other...I thought this will be the best" I said.

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