32| Crybaby

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Normal Pov.

The Akabane family are at the Kisaragi's mansion, they were discussing an important matter.

"I'm honoured to be able to talk to you again, Jude" A female in her mid 30's spoked casually.

"I am too, mistress Akabane" Jude answered politely, with a kind voice.

"Call me Rose instead, this is Nike, my husband" She said as she wrapped her arms around his husband.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, mister Akabane" He stated while lending his hand to the man that Rose claims as her husband.

"Just Nike is fine, Jude" Nike said as they shook they're hands together.

It's only the head of the establishments are discussing, they're son an daughter were out of the discussion.

"Why did you suddenly summoned our presence, Jude?" Rose asked nicely as Jude nodded that he called those two.

"Are we going to discuss Ikki and Alice's marriage?" Nike piped in, while Jude smiled nicely to them.

"About that...there is something I need to discuss with you two concerning that matter" Jude stated while trailing off as he rubbed the back of his neck.


Meanwhile in Karasuno High, in Hinata's class, they are taking attendance during homeroom.

"Hinata-kun?" The teacher called as Hinata shifted his attention to the teacher from the table beside him.

"Here" He replied nonchantly, as the teacher checked his attendance sheet.

"Kisaragi-san?" She called, yet no reply came from the student.

She wrote an 'x' in her attendance sheet as she sighed while looking worriedly at her name written in the list of students.

"It's been a week since she was absent, I wonder what this kid is doing" She muttered to herself as she proceeded taking attendance.

Yes, a week has passed since Arisu left for America, time passed quickly don't they?

It affected her friends, but mostly Hinata, it's been hell since she wasn't by his side

He can't seem to concentrate in his work, he can't hit the volleyball right, his starting to lose hope in everything.

You might think that it's a puppy love or foolish but, it's an emotion that he truly felt, so back off.

You might think that it's a puppy love or foolish but, it's an emotion that he truly felt, so back off

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Have you ever felt so lonely when the person you care about suddenly left? Of course, everybody does...and that's the same with Hinata.

>>Time Skip>>

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