30| Mother

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Arisu's Pov.

My eyes fluttered open as the first thing I saw was the ceiling smiling down on me, I sat up and noticed that I was laying on a comfy bed.

I scanned through the room with my hazel eyes as it was kind of large and properly arranged, it was like someone was cleaning this room frequently.

My pair of orbs stopped at a picture frame that is sitting on the table beside me, the picture was all about us, my family, with my mom and dad.

That's when realisation hit me, I was sleeping on my own room! I didn't noticed it until I saw the picture frame.

I missed this room, it gives out a beautiful fragrance of sweet roses, the scent made me relaxed.

Then I massaged my temples as I sighed heavily, still can't remember what just happened, I tried to recall the recent events but nothing comes in mind to why was I here.

Probably I was knocked out from behind, yeah maybe...there's no proper explanation for it.

I heard a knock from the huge doors as I suspected it was one of the maids or butlers in this huge house.

"C-Come in" I absentmindedly said, in my surprised the person didn't came in.

"What did you just said, Lady Alice?" I heard a female voice said behind the doors as it made me realised.

That's right, I'm not in Japan...

"You may come inside" I said in english while it was perfectly fluent.

Like I just said, she came in with a tray of food which appeared to be my breakfast, she lay it down on the table next to my bed.

"Pardon, may I ask what happened to me yesterday? I couldn't seem to recall it" I asked the lady maid as she turned to me with a apologetic look in the eye.

"My sincere apologise, madam. But I can't tell you that information" She stated while bowing down formally.

"And why is that?" I asked as my eyebrows furrowed, curiosity made me push further.

"Master Jude forbid us to give you that information" She stated, as my tounge clicked loudly, making the maid flinched which I didn't paid heed attention.

Figures, so he's behind this, huh?

"Dismiss" I stated as I gave her the permission to set off feet on my room.

"Understood, Lady Alice. May I just remind you there will be a party tonight" She interjected, making me curious to the certain subject.

"Why will there be a party?" I asked while gazing at her.

"The Akabane royalties will come here to have a party with the Kisaragi royalties" She answered my questions as my eyes widened.

W-What? Father is serious of getting me married with that fake Karma?

I could feel the daylights of my life being sucked by the ground as the colours of my face seems to fade.

I need to escape this place before I get officially married to that guy!


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