Chapter III

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~~~~Nine months later~~~~

*Barry's POV*

My eyes fly open after what felt like an hour after the explosion. But I see that I'm lying in a hospital bed in a gown. Joe is asleep in the chair but jerks away."Joe? What happened is the explosion over?" He looks at me confused."Barry. You've been in a coma for nine months since the explosion. Your heart failed a couple times but luckily Dr. Harrison Wells saved you." I go into shock."I've been asleep for nine months?" He nods "Yes. You and (y/n) both went into comas the same time but she woke up two hours ago." I look at him confused."Who is (y/n)?" He stares at me with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open."You don't remember her do you?" I shake my head because I don't know who he's talking about."No but should I?" He shakes his head in disappointment then tells me when we met until the particle accelerator."I just don't understand because I can't remember anything of her." I wish I could but I can't.

~~Two hours before~~

*(y/n)'s POV*

I shot awake and Joe is standing at the window of my room. Apparently an hour after the explosion I'm now sitting in a hospital bed in a gown."I thought you wouldn't wake up. Especially since your heart kept failing. But Dr. Harrison Wells saved you." I remember him cause Barry introduced him to me."Joe what's going on?" He looks at me with sadness in his eyes."(y/n)'ve been in a coma...for nine months like Barry." I am shocked at this.'nine freaking months I will never get back.' "Can I see Barry?" Joe shakes his head no."He's still unconcious but I hope he will wake up in a couple hours.

~~two hours later~~

Joe walks in but looks upset, I finish my water."What's up Joe?" He looks at me and hesitates."Barry...he's awake but doesn't remember you." I start to cry."But you get to come home with us today and stay with us, so here." He tosses me an outfit from my closet."We're leaving when you both are ready." I nod and get up and walk into the bathroom. I change and walk out of the bathroom. 'This is going to be a struggle for me to talk to Barry' I think to myself. Nine months to catch up but he forgets all about me. What fun for me and Barry will just be confused. I make my way to the lobby for eternal life struggling.

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