Chapter XXII

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*Barry's pov*

It's been at least almost three weeks since (y/n) lost her speed. In her face I can see how she misses being fast. I've been there and lets just say it's hard to not be fast especially when you're used to being fast. (y/n) has been running on the treadmill everyday but doesn't get any faster. I feel so bad but I know it was that flipping meta-human's fault! I will find him and throw him in our meta-human prison for this. I was walking in STAR labs and like usual I heard the treadmill on and running. I walk in the room and see a normal speed (y/n). I walk over and turn it off and she turns and looks at me."Hey! Why did you do that?" I sigh."I know how you feel because I've lost my speed before, remember? But training everyday won't get it back, ok?" She looks down and runs to me. She hugs me tightly and buries her face in my chest. I hear her sobbing and feel the warm tears on my shirt. I rub her back gently and hug her comfortingly."It'll be ok. Your speed will come back eventually." "Really?" I nod and we continue hugging."Hey. You ok?" I lift up her chin and look in her pink rimmed watery eyes. She nods and I smile at her. I rub her cheek with my thumb lightly. I lean in and kiss her softly. She kisses back and we pull away to breathe. We hug each other and walk out of the room. I walk with her, my right arm wrapped around her waist. She smiles and blushes and I can't help but smile at her cuteness. We've been dating for at least seven months. Our seven month anniversary is next week and I want to do something special. After we separate I go to my secret office and call Oliver."Hey Oliver I need your help. Can you help me?" "Sure what's up?" "Me and (y/n)'s seven month anniversary is next week and I want to do something special." "Sure I'll help you but Felicity is going to help too. Is that ok?" I smile."The more the merrier." We exchange goodbyes and I grin because (y/n) is going to have the best anniversary next week.

My Scarlet Speedster (Barry Allen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now