Chapter V

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*Barry's POV*

I walk into Jitters and I notice that everything is in slow motion. What the heck? Iris walked up to me and hugged me glad I was alive even though she was in the car ride. We talk for about five minutes. After our quick chat I run out but I end up in an alleyway. I rush to STAR labs to find Dr.Wells. I open the lab doors and see a streak of (y/f/c) lighning."Uh...Dr.Wells?" I walk to him and he stops the treadmill and (y/n) stands there panting and sipping water in a pair of black sweats and a navy blue star labs sweatshirt."Um...Everything is slow motion and I ran from jitters but I blinked and ended up in an alleyway." I state and stop staring at (y/n) and look at Wells. He nods and gives me grey sweats and a black star labs t-shirt."Change into these and come back quickly." I nod and walk to the nearest bathroom.

*(y/n)'s POV*

After everything I discover that the accelerator gave me super speed so Wells is trying to see how fast I can go. After that Barry walks in and soon goes to change."I think he's just like you, (y/n)." I look at him confused."What?" Wells swirves to look at me."He is experiencing stuff like you are." Barry then walks back into the room and walks to us.

*Barry's POV*

Wells tells me to get on the treadmill and I do."Now I want you to run as fast as you can." I nod and start running. But I'm going so fast everything is a blur and Wells stops the treadmill. I pant and (y/n) hands me a bottle."Thanks." She nods and Wells looks at us."Well well. The accelerator affected both of you in the same way." I perk my head to the side."What do you mean?" Wells explains what he means by that."Seems like I've got two speedsters in my own lab. Fascinating!" (y/n) and I chuckle and we say goodbye and walk home. In the middle of walking a little bit far from home my head starts to throb in excruciating pain and my knees give out. I see a flashback from third grade and meeting a girl named...(y/n)?! I wake up and I'm on (y/n)'s bed and she is sitting on her windowsill looking out to the street at the sky.

*(y/n)'s POV*

While walking Barry stops and grabs the side of his head and collapses. I pick him up without struggle. Wow thanks lightning and use my speed home. I walk inside and explain to Joe what happened and take Barry to my room. I lay him on my bed. I look at him and he smiles slightly and he looks so peaceful. I walk to my window and sit on the edge which is wide enough and look at the sky.

~~~Five minutes pass by~~~

I hear a groan and some shuffling. I turn my head to see Barry staring at me."What? Is there something on my face?" I ask but he shakes his head."No. But I just saw a memory from third grade. I met you and we talked but that's it, so far anyway." My eyes tear a little.'he's starting to remember' I joyfully thought to myself."What happened anyway?" He looks around and sits at the edge of my (f/c) bed."You grabbed the side of your head then collapsed. I carried you here and with my speed ran here and placed you on my bed." I explain and he blushes slightly and nods.

My Scarlet Speedster (Barry Allen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now