Chapter LI

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(( Just a filler, sorry guys ))

(( Just a filler, sorry guys ))

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*Barry's pov*

I was on the couch cuddling with (y/n) when my phone sounded an alert."Cisco texted me." "What did he say?" "He needs us down at Star labs. Immediately." I read off."Let's go." (y/n) said and we sped off."Cisco?!" I shouted when we arrived."The basement." (y/n) said and we sped there. Cisco, Caitlyn, and Harry were all in the room."What's going on?" "Someone contacted us from a different earth. Don't know how but they did and now....they're going to come through that breech." Cisco said, pointing at the breech that had formed."Do we know who they are?" I asked."No clue. The person had no name, no picture, nothing really on their profile." Harry added."Well...." (y/n) and I changed into our speedster suits. Soon there was a flash of light and then there was a trail of blue, silver, and gold lightning. Soon the breech closed and the lightning stopped. A female figure in a black speedster suit like mine but with blue lines representing lightning and a different emblem ((photo)) was there."Flash?" The person spoke, the voice was definitely female. I stepped forward and vibrated my face and voice."What do you want?" I asked. The person pulled down their mask, light brown with blonde hair fell down a little below her shoulders, and her eyes a light hazel brown with flecks of gold."My name is Ashleigh ((ashley is how it's pronounced)) Albert, I need your help." Ashleigh spoke. I stopped the vibration and pulled down my mask."With what?" I asked, me and (y/n) revealed our faces."You'll see." Ashleigh stated.


"'re from Earth seven?" "Thirty seven." Ashleigh corrected. (y/n) gave her a Star labs sweater and some jeans to borrow."Wow...and you're related to Julian Albert?" Cisco spoke."He's my older brother." Ashleigh stated with slight annoyance but you could see some sisterly care in her eyes."There's a meta human on my earth that has super speed but he doesn't run, he uses it as lightning abilities. I went to stop him but ended up getting hit. So now sometimes this happens." She tried to phase through the desk but then lightning surrounded her body and she glitched to three different places and then back to beside the desk."I glitch. Like a computer game. The thing is...important not even glitching, I'm just moving so fast." Ashleigh explained."We've never dealt with that before." Caitlyn said."Yeah but....when I was against Dr. Light, I ran so fast and made illusions of myself because of how fast I was. She's technically doing the same." I said."My friends Cindy, Cody, Harietta, and Barbara can't help me." I was confused."Who?" Ashleigh sighed."On my earth Cindy is the Cisco of this earth, Cody is Caitlyn, Harietta is Harrison, and Barbara is you." Ashleigh said."Just....opposite genders?" Ashleigh nodded."Pretty much. Same hair color, eye color, and skin tone....just different style choices and genders." Ashleigh said."What about me?" (y/n) asked."Oh yeah....Barbara's husband (y/male/n)." Ashleigh smiled. (y/n) and I looked at each other."Okay..." I said."Anyway, have you tried to somehow slow your speed down when you 'glitch out'?" I asked."Barbara gave me a moose tranquilizer just to slow me down....I was only to my normal speed until it wore off." Ashleigh said."Alright. How about we go around the track to see how fast you go normally and when you glitch out?" I suggest."Sure." Ashleigh sped out and back in dressed in her suit."I like your emblem by the way." I said and she looked at it."Thanks. Cindy made it. Of course Ronnie helped with the melding with her fire." "Ronnie?" Caityn asked."Veronica, Cody's wife. We call her Ronnie as a nickname. She has fire powers when she merges with Dr. Stein." Ashleigh said. Caitlyn looked glum and Ashleigh understood."Sorry." "It's okay." Caitlyn smiled a little. I changed into my suit and lead Ashleigh to where the track was.

*(y/n)'s pov*

"What you have to do is just run as fast as you can." Barry told her. I watched with Cisco and Caitlyn."Okay." "Ready Cisco?" Barry called."Ready. Set. Go!" Cisco said and they started to run. Barry remained the same speed but Ashleigh got faster and faster, doing two laps almost three when Barry did one."Whoa....she's as fast as Zoom." Cisco stated. Then she started to 'glitch out' as Barry like to call it and she went even faster."Now she's just a tad faster than Zoom." Caitlyn added."Unbelievable." I muttered."Okay, you can stop." Cisco said and the speedsters stopped, Ashleigh kind of glitched as she walked up to Barry."That was fun. Now can we go get some food? I'm starved." We all laughed.


"Whoa...." Barry said, looking at their different speeds."You go faster by like three percent when you glitch out." Caitlyn said, showing Ashleigh the results."No....I need to be at one hundred, not one hundred and three." Ashleigh shoved her face in her hands and walked a bit from the screen. She dropped her hands to her sides and formed fists."Dangit!" A wave of lightning bursted off of her and everything that was metal fell down, well except the desks."Whoa....calm down Ashleigh." Barry said."Sorry, sometimes when I get angry my speed rushes through but since I don't move it creates a wave like that. Sorry." She apologized and sped around, placing everything back to what it was."Maybe we should just take the speed out?" Harry suggested."Last time you did that, you gave Barry's speed to Zoom." Ciso stated."But I'm not going to give it to Zoom since he's dead." Harry said."Once we remove it we can just give it to Ashleigh, she can just take it home with her." I said."Sounds good, I'm willing to do anything." Ashleigh said.

*Barry's pov*

"Okay, all set. Now just run." I said and Ashleigh nodded. She started to run on the treadmill, her speed reaching the one hundred and three."Now Harry." I said and he pressed a button. I saw bright blue and gold enter the tube and I looked at the screen, her glutching slowing down and the speed going down."It's working!" Cisco said happily. When the speed reached the normal anount we stopped the suctioning."Okay, it's done." Ashleigh then slowed down and stopped, taking the bottle of water she had and gulping some down. Harry took the tube of blue and gold off the device and held it out to Ashleigh as she walked in."Here's the excess speed. What will you do with it?" She took the tube."Cisco? Can you make a breech?" We waked down to the basement and Cisco opened a breech to her earth."I'll figure out what to do with it. Thank you for helping me out." I smiled and we hugged."You're welcome. Nice to know you aren't a bad person." Ashleigh laughs. Everyone hugged her and then she sped through the breech. Cisco closed it and then we all left."Where are you going to put that thing?" (y/n) asked, I looked down at the emblem Ashleigh gave me. It was her emblem and I smiled."Keep it hidden and put it on Zach's suit when he gets old enough." "Good idea. Let's go home" (y/n) said and I put the emblem in my pocket, speeding home with (y/n).

My Scarlet Speedster (Barry Allen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now