Chapter XLIV

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*(y/n)'s pov*

It was around nine in the morning when I woke up."Morning sunshine." A familiar voice states. I turn my head and see a conscious, smiling Barry."Barry, you're awake." I smile."I woke up last night actually. How's the baby?" "The baby is fine." When I said that he sighed in relief."Oh thank goodness. I was so worried when I woke up." Barry opened his eyes again and looked at me. I looked at our hands."It's so relieving to hear your voice again, seeing you awake and responsive. It was so scary seeing you bloody and unconscious, being pulled out of our car." A tear slipped down my cheek. Barry used his other hand and wiped it away gently."Hey, I'm alive and breathing. It's alright." I leaned into his touch and opened my eyes, meeting his calm green ones."Everyone will be so happy to see you. You were still in surgery when they came by." "Everyone was here?" I nod."Who exactly came?" "Iris, Joe, Caitlyn, Cisco, and Harry." I list off, Barry nods slowly."I can't wait to see them." "And they can't wait to see you." I smile and Barry kisses my hand.

*Barry's pov*

(y/n) and I finished eating the breakfast the nurses gave us when everyone walked in."Barry!" They all exclaim and rush over. I returned the hugs, high fives, and smiles fom them."Hey guys." "How are you feeling?" Caitlyn asked."I feel fine." They all nod, a few sigh in relief."You scared the heck out of us man." Cisco states, I chuckle."Sorry. That wreck was so unexpected." Everyone nodded in agreement. Soon a doctor walked in and looked from his clipboard and at me."Mr. Allen, glad to see you awake." "Glad to be awake doctor." "Yes indeed. Anyway, you two shall be released in about three days. We still have to run a few tests on you. But after that you two should be good to go." "Thank you doctor." He smiles kindly at me."I am Dr. Johnson. I will see you two tomorrow." Dr. Johnson spoke kindly and left. After a while it got dark out and everyone left. It was just me and (y/n)."Honey?" "Yes Barry?" "What happened?" She stayed silent for a bit."You were telling me I love you too when you slammed on the brakes, the car in front of us had jerked to a stop at a red light. We ran into him, he apparently died on impact. A woman slammed behind us, dying on impact as well. Then a drunk man swerved from the opposite road of us and slammed into your side. You blacked out from impact. I woke up and tried to wake you up but the ambulance came and took us both here." (y/n) explained what happened and I finally had a clear picture on what happened."We were the only survivors?" "Yes." I stare at the ceiling."I love you Barry." I turn my head and look at (y/n)."I love you too." I smile and kiss her hand. We both soon fell asleep, our hands still intertwined.

A/n: Hey guys!! Pukaii here. Please comment below what the baby's gender should be!! Laters!!!

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