Chapter XVII

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*Oliver's pov* (what?! Lol surprise!)


I was four years old. And I have a baby sister. She was only a year old. I was sleeping but woke up from a nightmare at the stroke of midnight. I heard some noises outside and a few baby cries. I go check on my sister for my parents since they're tired. I open the baby room door and see a shadowed figure holding my sister."Hey! Let go of my baby sister (y/n)!!" My parents barge in but the figure was already gone and I was crouched on the floor, in a ball sobbing. My mom picks me up and calms me down. My dad is at the open window crying. He stays serious but tears flow down his cheeks. Same with my mum. I will not forget her, (y/n) Queen, my baby sister.

~~~Flashback over~~~

I open my eyes and I'm sitting at my desk in my office. I keep having that memory. Because it was so vivid. I decided to call my mum about the memory."Hello?" "Hello mum." "Hi Oli. What do you need"" "It's about the memory of my sister being taken." "Oli! I have told you many times before. I'm done talking about it. I don't know when she will be back." Then my mum hung up. Felicity walks in and I think that she may be able to help."Hey Felicity?" She turns to me "Yes Oliver?" "Can you help me find someone?" She looks confused."Sure but who?" I tell. her about my memory and she immediately starts to work after I finish the memory. I'm thankful for having Felicity around. My stomach flutters and my face starts to heat up. My heart skips a few beats just thinking about her.'What is wrong with me?' I thought to myself but shake my head at the thought. I go back to my desk and sit and wait.

~~~Sometime after that~~~

*(y/n)'s pov*

I was watching Cisco make my suit. It was (f/c) with some white streaks to match my lightning. It was identical to barry's but my shape and for females. I then get a call and step out."Hello (y/f/n) (y/l/n) speaking." "Is this (y/n)?" "Yes. Who is this?" "Hi. My name is Felicity Smoak. And I need you to come down to Queen Consolidated in Starling City immediately." "Ok. I'll be there now." I hung up and sped into the office. I arrived and tapped on a woman with blonde hair who was on the phone."Hi I'm (y/n)." She looks at the phone then back at me with mouth open."Ok. Well I'm Felicity the one on the phone." "Ok. Hello. What did you need me for?" She nods and opens a file."(y/f/n) (y/l/n), born (y/b/m/d) 1991. Height is 5'6 and weight is 210 lbs. But there is something you don't know." I gasp."Which is?" A guy about 6'1 walks in. He sits at his desk in an office. He looked familiar but couldn't put my finger on it. Felicity continues "23 years ago no month or day but at the stroke of midnight. A 1 year old girl was taken from her family."

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