Chapter XXVII

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*(y/n)'s pov*

I looked nervously at Caitlin. "Training?" I gasped out. "I've only just gotten these abilities, I don't even know what I can do!" I felt myself panicking even more and more; I've never felt this way before. Barry, who was beside me, seemed to notice to state I was in.

​"(y/n), are you okay?" He questioned me, concern evident in his green eyes. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. "I don't know Barry, what's happening to me?" That's when I felt myself starting to get really, really scared. Papers on Caitlin and Cisco's desk started flying everywhere as I felt some kind of wind come from somewhere in the room. I looked down at my hands and realised that the air was coming from my hands. Why was this happening? I only thought that I was a speedster. Not anymore, I guess.

​I focus back up on everyone else and realise that I needed to stop this. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. I feel everything around me start to calm down and I can hear the papers fluttering down around me. I open my eyes to see that Dr. Wells has wheeled himself in the cortex and is looking at me with great interest. "Ms (Y/l/n), why don't we go to the training room, see what you can actually do." I find myself nodding along with him. I glance at everyone else and they seem to be thinking the same thing. "Okay, you guys can go and get everything ready, I just need a minute." Caitlin looks at me with sympathy in her eyes. She walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "It will be okay, (y/n). Having more powers may not be too bad after all." I give her a tiny smile and she returns it back. I sigh, thinking that everyone has left the room, but i turn around and see Barry looking at me once again with concern in his eyes.

​"Talk to me, (y/n)." He takes a couple steps towards me. "What are you thinking?" I furrow my eyebrows and figure out what I want to tell him. "I'm scared, Barry." The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them. "When I found out I was a speedster, I thought I was gonna be okay; that I could handle it just fine." Barry is right in front of me now, and he swipes a tear away with his thumb. "But now I have all these other powers, and I don't know what to do with them. You saw me just before; I totally lost control of myself. These powers are tethered to my emotions. What happens if I hurt someone with them?" I break down crying and Barry wraps his arms around me in a hug. I return it, wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my face in his chest, and I let myself cry in his arms. "Hey, (y/n)." I look up at Barry. "You're not that person, okay? You will not hurt anyone with your powers. You wanna know why? Because I'm right here beside you, and I'm not going anywhere, okay?" He bends down and captures my lips in a slow, gentle kiss. He pulls back and looks at me with so much love in his eyes; I can't believe I've gotten so lucky. "I love you." I whisper into the air between us. "I love you too. Now lets go train, okay?" He smiles a wide, big smile at me, and I don't hesitate to smile back at him. "Okay."

My Scarlet Speedster (Barry Allen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now