Chapter XII

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*(y/n)'s POV*

After my girl's day with Iris I go home cause it's late and I need sleep. I walk in my room and put down my purse. I stand in front of my window. Two warm arms wrap around my waist. In the window it's Barry's reflection. I turn to talk to him."Oh! Hi Barr. Did you need something?" He keeps smiling and speaks."Hi and yes. I have to ask you a question." I get a little nervous."Ok. Shoot." He smiles still and asks "Would you like to go on a date with me?" I shut up. I feel my cheeks heat up."S-sure! When?" He replies."This friday and be ready by 6:30. We leave here at 7 and dress a little nice but comfortable." I smile then nod and he rushes out. Well, more like sped out and my (left/right) cheek has little sparks where he kissed it. What a dork.

*Iris's POV*

My phone rings and I stop blogging to answer it."Hello, Iris west speaking." "Iris! I need your help!" I laugh lightly."Sure (y/n)! What's up?" "Barry asked me out and I need you to take me shopping." I smile, he did it."Sure! When?" "Tomorrow. Meet me at the mall at 11:30. We'll hang and eat lunch at noon. After lunch we'll shop for my date." "Ok! When is the date." "Friday, the day after tomorrow. I need to be ready by 6:30 cause we leave at 7." I chuckle."I'll come by friday at 5 so I can do your hair and makeup and stuff for you." "Ok. Thanks." "No problem. Be sure to be showered before I get there! For now get some rest for tomorrow."Ok! Bye." "Bye." I hang up and smile. *sigh* He finally did it. I get back to blogging about the streak. There was two. The original but a new one. It was (y/f/c) and was exactly like the first streak. Weird.

*(y/n)'s POV*

I giggle and take a long, warm shower. I clear my thoughts excited for my date. I finally get to sleep dreaming about it.

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