Chapter XLIII

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*3rd pov*

Cisco rushes up to the receptionist desk."Rooms of Barry and (y/n) Allen please!" He almost begged the woman."(y/n) Allen is in room nine twenty two. Mr. Barry Allen is under operation right now so his room number is unavailable." The desk lady replies kindly."Alright thank you." The group of friends rush to (y/n)'s room. As soon as they got there (y/n) looked at them as they rushed in."Hey guys." She smiled. Everyone rushed over and gave hugs to the best of their ability."We were so worried about you. Seeing the wreck, it's all over the news." Caitlyn states."How's the baby?" Joe asked with a worried expression."The baby is fine. I only got a few cuts and bruises. Barry is the worst though." (y/n) frowned and her eyes watered when she said the last part."Yeah, the receptionist said his room number was unavailable, he's in surgery right now still." Iris states glumly. As soon as Iris stopped speaking a doctor came in."Ah, you must be friends and family of Mr. and Mrs. Allen." Everyone nodded."How's Barry?" (y/n) asked worriedly."He is still under operation. But I believe he is doing fine." The doctor said kindly. Everyone released a sigh of relief."Mr. Allen will be moved into this room once he is done operated on. Which will be in a few hours. Two or more depending on what happens. Mr. Allen had some debris lodged into his body and we had to remove that immediately. But don't worry, he's alright and will be with you soon. I'll come by in the morning to check on you." The doctor smiled kindly and nodded everyone in goodbye, leaving the room."It's nice knowing Barry is alright." (y/n) states sighing in relief."I agree. Seeing Barry being pulled out of your car is going to haunt me in my nightmares." Cisco states."He'll be here soon. Don't worry." Joe pats Cisco's shoulder.

*(y/n)'s pov*

About four and a half hours pass, I was sore everywhere. Everyone left saying they'll come by in the morning. Soon the door opened and two doctors rolled Barry in and placed his bed near mine. The doctors adjusted everything and walked out."Hey Barry." I smile to myself. He was unconscious still, but he looked peaceful and he was clean unlike last time I saw him unconscious."Please wake up soon. I love you." I slowly reach over and slip my hand into Barry's. I rub his knuckles with my thumb and watched him breathe for a bit. I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

*Barry's pov*

I slowly open my eyes and look at my surroundings. I see (y/n) asleep in a hospital bed next to me. I feel something warm in my hand and I look down at my hand. I smile, (y/n)'s hand was in mine. I think back to what happened but it was all a blur. I relax against my pillow and sigh."I hope the baby is alright." I mutter to myself. I bring (y/n)'s hand up and kiss it gently. I interlock our fingers and rest our hands back on my bed by my side. I turn my head and look at the sleeping angel next to me. Even though (y/n) was in a hospital gown and was a bit pale, she was still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She looked so calm and peaceful, her adorable small quiet snore made me smile. Somehow the warmth of her hand in mine, and the sound of the heartbeat monitors lulled me back to sleep."I love you (y/n)." I manage to say softly before falling asleep.

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