Chapter VIII

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*Barry's POV*

It's been a few weeks since (y/n) and I have discovered our abilities. And I remember most of my childhood with (y/n), Just not all. I feel like something's missing and I can't figure it out. I mean everytime I'm around her my stomach feels fluttery like I have butterflies and I get very nervous around her. Sometimes she can say something and I blush! But I can make her blush too so...SCORE! I just can't figure it out but I won't stop until I do."Hey Barry!" I am startled and turn around."Oh! Hey....Iris. What's up?" Ugh! Ever since I started remembering (y/n) Iris has been trying to get my attention and steal me away. It is bothering me a lot and I remembered what she did to me and (y/n) three days before the accelerator. I let that go but now it's irritating!"Can you help me find (y/n)? I need to talk to her." I nod and call (y/n).~"Hello?" "Hey (n/n)! It's Barry." "Oh hey Barry! What's up?" "Nothing much but where are you? Because someone here wants to meet up with you and talk." "Oh! I'm just at (f/c/p) [that means favorite coffee place] right now." "Ok thanks they'll be there in a few." "Ok! Bye!" "Bye."~ I hang up and tell Iris."She's at (f/c/p)." Iris nods and exits the building. Phew! Now back to work.

~~~That night~~~

*Barry's POV still*

I speed to our house. (y/n) called me with a sad voice.'I wonder what is up.' I thought and rung the doorbell. I hear a faint 'come in'. I open and see (y/n) knowhere."(y/n)? Where are you?" I yell asking out loud."In my room!" She yells back. I speed up there and open the door and I saw something heartbreaking.

(y/n) crying silently on her bed. I speed to her and sit in front of her."(n/n) what's wrong? Did something happen?" She nods and looks at me. She hesitates but grasps the collar of her shirt and slowly but slightly pulls it down. Not too far to see anything but bloody three slash marks in a claw like shape. My eyes widen."Wh-what h-happened?!" I exclaim, she flinches and I speed to get a first aid kit, I come back."Iris came like you said to 'talk." She put air quotes."She took me to the back and the started spitting hateful words at me like venom. Saying that you were hers and she loves you. Then she slashed her hands at my chest with her nails and slapped me." She turns her head (left/right) and reveals a long, tiny, thin cut going down her face. It starts from her eyebrow down the side of her nose underneath her (left/right) eye down the cheek."She pulled out a small knife and did that after she slapped me." [A/n: I don't hate Iris. Just trying to create drama ok? don't hate please!] I bubble up with fury. I cleans both wounds and bandage them. After she changes when I'm outside she knocks and I open to come back in. I help her lay down and tuck her in. As I reach for the knob she speaks."Just...don't hurt her. Speak to her but don't yell...a lot." I nod and close her door. Then, I speed off to jitters. Time to speak my mind finally after years of struggling.

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