Chapter XXXV

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*(y/n )'s pov*

It has been two months since the lost girl came to Central City. We have t ried everything it seems like to get Aster back home. This is the last idea and if it doesn't work then she is stuck here permanently."Alright Aster, Barry are you guys ready?" I say through the intercom."Yeah, we are." Barry replied. I took a breath and flipped the switch."Run Barry." I muttered. Barry started running and picking up speed. The portal started to appear and it grew. When it was done he picked up Aster and thrwe her in the portal. It shut and everything calmed down. We waited for her to return but she never did.

​​​​​​~~One month later~~

I was sitting with Barry in the training room."I miss her a lot." I state and Barry nods."I do too. It's amazing how a young girl comes in from another universe and takes our hearts away." He wraps an arm aound me. We then hear a boom from downstairs and the room shook a little. We nod and sped to the area where Aster was taken home. We saw a portal close up and a clump of something on the ground. We heard a gasp and the clump which turned out to be a person stood up. They looked around and turned then finally their eyes that was he only thing visible met mine and Barry's."(y-y/n)? Barry? Is it really you?" They asked breathless."Maybe. Depends on who's asking." I reply."Guys it's me. It's Aster." The girl states. She then walks into the light and it's the girl from one month ago."Aster?" I ask in disbelief slowly walking toward her with a hand stretched out. I finally got close to her and she grabbed my hand placing it on her cheek. I smile wide with tears in my eyes then hug her tight (you treated aster like a daughter ok). Barry came up and gave her a side hug."Good to see you kiddo." He smiled at her. Aster smiled back "Good to be back." I get confused."What are you doing here?" Aster smiled."I told my family what happened and they noticed over time how I missed you guys. They told me I could come back. They then took me to the Bluestones and I went through the portal wishing to come back here and it worked. I can stay here with you guys permanently." She stated happily. Me and Barry look at each other and smile. We then grab her in a group hug. We then take her to see everyone else.


Cisco was so happy to see her again. Caitlyn was happy to but not as much as Cisco. He always thought of her as a siser or niece, depended on his mood. Harry was happy to see all of us happy. Joe and Iris were glad to see her safe. I thought of something and grabbed Barry and took him to the hall."Why? What's up?" Barry asked."How about after our wedding and honeymoon we go and adopt Aster. I treat her as a daughter. I know you do too as well." I smile and Barry grins."Let's do that. I like it." We agreed and came back. We then spent the whole day celebrating Aster's permanent return. Afer everyone left I took Aster to my room."I guess this can be your room and me and Barry could share." I state and she smiles."Ok. Thank you." I smile at her."Good night-umf!" Aster was hugging me tightly. I hugged back."I love you (y/n). I think of you as a mother if you're ok with it. And Barry as a father." She says in my torso since she is short. I get on my knees and put my hands on her shoulders. I pull back and look into her eyes."I've always thought of you like a daughter. You can call me and Barry mom and dad if you want. I love you too." We hug again."Good night, mom." She said and I smiled."Good night sweetie." I close her door. I go to Barry's room."Hey Barry." "Hey. What's with the smile?" He smirks."Aster called me Mom. And she is gonna call you Dad." He smiles wide."I love that. Now let's get some rest." We cuddle in the bed. I fell asleep dreaming of my new family.

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