Chapter XVI

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*(y/n)'s POV*

I turn to him but is cut off by something shocking. I feel warm, soft lips against my own. My heart beats as fast as my speed. My stomach is flipping and has butterflies. I melt in the kiss and kiss back immediately. We pull away for air. He rests his forehead on mine and he looks at me."I've waited for far too long to do that." I giggle and he smiles."I agree. I have waited for too long also." He smiles bigger and gets up. He holds out a hand and I take it. He pays for the meal and we leave.

*Barry's POV*

After the kiss I was overjoyed. We take a walk in the park at night. We hold hands as we walk along sidewalk. Then after that we drive home. I stop outside her door to her room."I had fun." She says while smiling at me."Me too." I kiss her again but not as long. Then wish her goodnight. I walk in my room and close the door. I get ready for bed and sleep with a smile on my face peacefully.

*(y/n)'s POV*

After Barry walks away I close my door and squeal slightly. I speed to get ready and tell Iris about everything. She congratulates me then says goodbye. I then call my friends who know about me and Barry and tell them. Then I get into bed and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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