Chapter XLVI

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*(y/n)'s pov*

"Barry!!" I yelled from the kitchen. I hear a rush of wind, seeing red and yellow lightning bolts. A shirtless Barry, with messy damp hair was in the doorway."What?! Everything alright?!" He asked worriedly, a scared and worried expression on his face."Everything is fine." I giggled, which made Barry sigh in relief."I was making sure you were ready for the appointment." Barry furrowed his brows."What appointment?" I looked at him shocked."To find out the gender of our baby silly." I lightly smacked his chest."Oh right. Let me finish getting ready really quick." Barry held up a finger and sped away. About one second later he was back in the door way, fully dressed and hair styled neatly."Ready." Barry smiled. I giggled and handed him a plate."Eat up." I state and walked upstairs to Aster's room to wake her up."Aster! Are you up?" I knocked on her door."Yes ma'am! You can come in!" I opened the door and saw the little girl finishing up with her shoelace. She wore a navy blue summer dress with leggings that matched in color. Her shoes were tiny versions of converse, thanks to Barry for buying them."Are you ready mommy?" She looked into my eyes with her big icy blue ones ((she's 6, I changed her age)). Her hair was neatly brushed with a blue and white checkered bow keeping her bangs away from her face."Yes. Let's go see if you'll be having a little brother or sister." I took her hand and walked down. Barry grabbed my hand as we walked out the front door. We all got into the car and drove to the doctor's office.

*Barry's pov*

"Appointment for (y/n) Allen." I tell the receptionist."Yes, please have a seat. The doctor will be out shortly." She spoke kindly, smiling."Thank you." I smiled and sat down with (y/n). Aster sat in my lap and I wrapped my arms around her small waist. Aster leaned back and decided to catch a few minutes of sleep. I held her close and rested my chin softly on the top of her head."Aster seems to be really tired." I spoke quietly."Yeah, but she isn't the pregnant one here." (y/n) replied. I snickered and held in my laugh so I wouldn't wake up Aster. After ten minutes passed a female doctor walked in."(y/n) and Barry Allen?" I picked up Aster and stood up, (y/n) grabbed my shoulder to help her stand up. We followed the doctor into a room that was in the back."Alright Mrs. Allen, please lay down on your back and lift up your shirt." I sat in the chair beside the bed, Aster was awake and sitting straight up in my lap, I kept my arms around her so she wouldn't fall. (y/n) got onto the medical bed and laid down on her back, lifting her shirt up above her swollen stomach. She was now six months, three more to go. I watched as the doctor took some clear gel and spread it over (y/n)'s belly."Oh gosh that's cold." (y/n) spoke. I slightly smiled and Aster giggled a little."I'm Dr. Anderson by the way." Dr. Anderson spoke. She took the ultrasound wand, which in my opinion looks like a stick of deodorant ((true fact)), and moved it around on (y/n)'s stomach. I looked at the black and white screen and then I saw an outline."There's your baby." Dr. Anderson smiled."What's the noise?" I asked, hearing a thumping sound."Your baby's heartbeat." I listened to it with a smile, a tear falling down my face."Alright, time to see what the gender is." Dr. Anderson announced, moving the wand, looking at the screen. She pressed a few buttons as I reached over and took (y/n)'s hand in mine."Please be a girl. Please be a girl. Please be a girl." I heard Aster whisper to herself."Mr. and Mrs. Allen, you will be having..." I crossed my fingers."A boy." Dr. Anderson smiled. Aster still cheered  even though it wasn't a girl and I cried a few happy tears."(y/n), we're having a son!" I exclaimed excitely, standing up. I lifted Aster up and spun her around. I set Aster down and leaned over, kissing (y/n) shortly."A mini you." (y/n) smiled, cupping my face in her hand and stroking my cheek. I smiled and she wiped a tear off my face. Dr. Anderson cleaned the gel off of (y/n). When (y/n) stood up I took her hand in mine and we follwed Anderson out of the room."Thank you so much Dr. Anderson." I shook her hand."You're very welcome Mr. Allen. It was not a problem." I smiled and walked out with (y/n) and Aster."So how should we celebrate?" I asked."Pizza and ice cream." (y/n) immediately answered. I laughed and kissed her cheek, helping her into the car."Well looks like mom is hungry. As well with junior." I state and close the passenger door. I helped Aster with her seat belt buckle. I then got in on my side, buckled up, and drove out of the parking lot.

*(y/n)'s pov*

"Thanks for buying Barry." I told him as we walked out of the ice cream parlor. We had pepperoni pizza for lunch, and ice cream for dessert."It wasn't a big deal really. Now let's go home and tell everyone. I texted them all to meet up at the house." "Alright." I became a little excited. Barry, Aster, and I all got in the car and hurried home. When we got there, everyone was conversating with each other in the living room."We're home!" I spoke out, everyone going quiet."Well?" "What are you having?" Iris and Joe asked."We're having..." I looked at Barry."A boy!" Barry and I exclaimed excitedly in unison."Oh! What are you going to name him?" Caitlyn asked happily."I'll teach you everything I know." Joe stated, patting Barry on the shoulder. The both of them laughing at Joe's joke."I'll help decorate the room!" Iris raised her hand."You're going to be great parents." Harry smiled, which I returned thanking him."I'm going to have a nephew now?! Awesome!!" Cisco fist bumped Barry and hugged me, ruffling Aster's hair."Congrats to the both of you." Jesse smiled. Soon it got late and everyone went home."I wonder how my dad would've reacted?" Barry thought out loud, changing into his pajama shirt."He would probably be like..." I walked up to him and hugged him how Henry would."I'm proud of you son. Congratulations to the both of you." I tried to imitate his voice but failed miserably. Barry laughed and I laughed along with him, pulling away and finished changing into my pajamas."He probably would've done that." "Yes he most likely would. But he is proud of you. I know he is." I smiled. Barry exhaled and smiled a little."Yeah I bet he is." I laid down and Barry slipped in beside me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and rested his hands on my stomach."I'm unbelievably happy." Barry spoke softly. He kissed the top of my head and lightly stroked the side of my swollen belly. I felt the baby kick and it hurt just a tiny bit."Oh!" I spoke in surprise."Barry." "Hm?" Barry hummed and I grabbed his hand, moving it to the center of my stomach. The baby kicked some more and it was directly underneath Barry's hand."He...he's kicking." Barry was surprised yet excited."That he is. I guess it's because he knows your his dad and he felt your hand." I spoke softly. The kicking stopped but Barry kept his hands on my stomach."Good night (y/n), and junior." "Good night Barry." I then fell asleep. I'm guessing Barry did too. Today was eventful, exciting, and also exhausting.

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