Chapter XXI

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*(y/n)'s pov*

I was at home in my room. Just scrolling on my phone. Then I hear noises outside and suddenly the front door bursts open. I sped into my (f/c) flash suit. I got into a ready position and my door gets kicked open. A guy that looks very drugged with electric purple like eyes stands there."Ahhhh. I can smell the energy from you. I only need to feed off of it." He opens up his hands and lightning reaches my body. I see a (f/c) light come from my body. I feel pain and my soul being sucked from me. He then starts shaking and passes out. I use my speed to STAR labs. But that's the problem, I end up running like anormal human. I panic and call Barry."Barry! You need to use your speed to come home and take me to STAR labs!" "Why?" "I'll tell you there but please pick me up." I hear him sigh."Ok hold on." We hang up and a second later he arrives and wraps an arm around me."Hold on." He winks and I laugh a little. He sped off and we arrived at Star labs. Cisco and Caitlyn look at us."Uhhh....(y/n)? Why are you all suited up?" Cisco asks I sigh and look at all three of them."We've got a situation." They look at each other then back at me."A meta-human attacked the house." Caitlyn gasps and Cisco hoes wide eyed. Barry stares at me shocked and worried."That's not all....I also lost my speed." They all start to flip out. Barry turns to me."What? How? Can you show us?" I look at him."The meta-human used lightning and sucked the speed from me. Sure let me change." I grab my sweats from a cubby and run normal like to the changing room. I later on finish and run to the treadmill. Caitlyn starts it up and I run."Try going faster." Cisco says and I try, but I can't. I then turn it off and start breathing heavily."" I say between breaths and Barry gives me a bottle of water. I nod at him and drink it while he smiles at me. Cisco starts to think and sys something."We need to figure out how to get your speed back." I catch my breath and respond."Yeah that would be great and helpful." They all go to the lab but Barry stays with me."Are you alright?" He asks and I smile at him."Yeah! Just....I'm not used to being this slow." He laughs and we walk out and back into the lab.

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