Chapter XLIX

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Comment below if I should do a Christmas special when Christmas comes around!! ;)

*Barry's pov*

I ran all the way to Star city and into Oliver and Felicity's hideout."Aw." Felicity frowned when her papers flew everywhere. I started to talk but it was too fast."Whoa slow down. Take a deep breath." Felicity told me."You said that way too fast." "I know." I removed my hands from my face and sat down."Now tell me what happened." I nodded and started to speak.

~~Before Going To Felicity~~

"What do they still think I can't outrun bullets?" I chuckled and walked in."What should we call him? Usually Cisco comes up with cool names for them." I noticed the team grew uncomfortable."Alright so then...crook? Lame I know." I started to think of names."How about Thief? He robs places and steals things." Cisco spoke up. He looked at his phone and stood straighter."I got to go to the gym." He said quieter and then walked out."I should probably go to work." Iris said and stood up."I was just about to leave anyway." Wally stood and asked Joe for a ride."You still take engineering classes?" I asked and Wally looked at me weirdly."Yeah." "Good luck with that." I said and the two left. Iris looked at me as I put my hands on the desk."Are you okay?" "I'm fine." I replied.'No I'm not I need to find my wife (y/n).' I thought and Iris left. I checked the time and noticed I had some time left. I used my speed and searched for (y/n) on the computer."Oh my gosh..." I muttered and sped out of STAR labs.


I stood outside the front door and took a deep breath, knocking a few times."Give me a second!" I heard her faint voice shout. I looked at my ring as I waited. After a bit I heard a lock and then the door opened, (y/n)'s smile dropping a little when she saw me."Uh...hey." "Barry? What are you doing here?" She asked me but I then heard running footsteps. I saw a little boy with hair and eyes that matched mine peek from under her arm."Daddy!!" He exclaimed and hugged my legs since I was very tall compared to him."Hey...buddy!" I chuckled and knelt down to his height, ruffling his hair."Are you gonna come play with us?" He asked with big hopeful green eyes., the 'l' sounded like a 'w.' I looked up at (y/n) and saw an older Aster standing beside her with a smirk."Sure!" I grinned."Yay!!" The little boy smiled so wide and ran back inside, pulling Aster along with him."You know he missed you a lot." (y/n) folded her arms."Who?" She scoffed with a laugh."Zach. Your son. The kid I had before the divorce." My smile dropped from my face."Divorce?" I asked and she nodded."Yeah. Remember going to court? I have custody over the kids but you can visit them whenever, remember?" I put on a smile and nodded."Yeah, of course. May I come in?" (y/n) nodded and let me in, closing the door behind me."Zach is in his room. Third door on the left." I nodded and walked upstairs. Zach had his door wide open and Aster was on the floor alone."Hey Aster." I walked in and she stood. Aster hugged me and her shoulders were a little above my hips, my she has grown."Hey dad. I'm glad you visited." "Me too. How old are you now?" "Ten." Aster smiled and I returned it."Double digits huh?" She nodded. I heard a rush and a small line of (f/c) lightning rushed behind Aster. Zach was then right there with a bunch of toys, he was a speedster."Come on let's play before you have to work with grampa Joe!" Zach grinned, he has (y/n)'s smile. I noticed more of what his features were as we played. Zach had my eyes, my hair, my nose, my eyebrows, my energy, and he has my scrawny figure. But he had (y/n)'s smile, and her lightning color."How old are you Zach?" I asked and he grinned, holding up four tiny fingers."This many! I'm four!" He had a slight speech impediment so it sounded like four with a 'w' instead of an 'r.' I looked at the time and knew I had to leave."Sorry buddy but I have to go." Zach looked up at me with his big green eyes."Do you have to work today?" He asked with a hint of sadness to his tone."Yeah. Tell you what though, I'll try to see if you and Aster can spend the night at my place sometime soon." I smiled as he cheered."Thanks daddy!" Zach hugged me and I hugged back, placing a hand on his small back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw (y/n) leaning against the doorframe with a slight smile on her face."Alright buddy, I have to go now." "Bye daddy! Say hi to grampa Joe for me!" I waved back."Sure thing bud." I smiled and walked out. Aster hugged me and I kissed her head."Be good and watch over your brother." "I will." She smiled and I walked out of the house."Barry." I turned and saw (y/n)."I need to talk to you. It's really important. So come back later when you have the chance." I smiled a little."Of course. Bye." I then sped off and went to work.

My Scarlet Speedster (Barry Allen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now