Chapter XXXIX

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*Barry's pov*

Me and (y/n) were cuddled on the couch watching a movie. We have been married two beautiful years now. I really want a kid but I don't know how (y/n) feels about it. She was watching the movie and I gathered some courage and confidence to ask her."Hey (y/n)." "Yeah Barry?" "Do you want a kid?" I blushed and her face went a deep shade of red.

​​​​​​*(y/n)'s pov*

Barry asked me if I wanted a kid. I blushed so much because I've been thinking about it recently."Y-Yes." I stuttered and he smiled."Can we?" He asked and I took a breath and nodded. We stopped the movie and went to the bedroom and ended the day with a passionate night. I woke up in Barry's arms and smiled. Memories of last night went through my mind and I grew excited because I would be having a child with Barry. Barry woke up and smiled and we shared a kiss."Now I'm getting excited because I'm going to be having a child with you." Barry stated and I smiled back."I'm excited to." We got up and luckily Aster spent the night with Joe and Iris, she wanted to get to know them better. We went there and picked her up and didn't tell her. Until we know for sure that I'm pregnant we'll keep it a surprise.

​​​​​​~~Four weeks later~~

​​​I got up from bed, I felt sick so I went to the bathroom and I threw up last night's dinner. It was five in the morning. Barry came in and comforted me as I kept vomiting. He held my hair back and had a hand on my back rubbing it. After I finished I flushed the toilet and rinsed out my mouth. Barry held me close to him in bed."I made an appointment with the doctor tomorrow at two in the afternoon. Get some rest." Barry said softly in my ear. I smiled and snuggled close to him.'he is so helpful and nice.' Was my last thought before falling asleep. I woke up around eleven the next morning. I showered and got ready. I woke up Barry and while he got ready I made us breakfast. We ate and relaxed unti we had to leave for the appointment. We then left and arrived at the doctor's office."Hi, we're here for an appointment at two?" Barry told the lady and she looked at her screen and pressed a few buttons."Mr. and Mrs. Allen?" We nodded and she smiled."The doctor will be out in a few minutes. Please have a seat." We walked to the chairs and sat down. About ten minutes later a doctor came out."Mr. and Mrs. Allen?" We stood up and walked to her."Follow me." We followed her to a room in the back."Mrs. Allen please lay on the bed." She said politely. I laid down on the bed and Barry sat in the chair beside it and held my hand. The doctor rolled up my shirt above my stomach and placed a small device on it and rolled it around."Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Allen is two weeks pregnant." The doctor smiled at us. I smiled so wide and my eyes watered. Barry was smiling and a tear had fallen down his cheek."Come back at this date and we'll find out the gender of your baby." The doctor gave us a slip of paper with a date written on it. We left and as soon as we walked out of the office Barry gave me along and passionate kiss. I kissed back and we pulled away for air and hugged."Lets go tell everyone." Barry said and I smiled."I'll tell them to meet us at STAR labs." I said and Barry drove home to pick up Aster and I texted Joe, Iris, Cisco, Caitlyn, Harrison, Jesse, and Henry to meet me and Barry at STAR labs. I texted my parents about it and they were excited and happy for me. We got to STAR labs and saw everyone."So Barry, (y/n), what's up?" Iris said and everyone looked at us. Me and Barry smiled."I'm pregnant. Me and Barry are having a child." I said and everyone bursted with joy. Henry started crying tears and hugged us both excited to be a grandpa. Joe was happy to be a godgrandpa. Cisco was so excited to be and uncle. Everyone congratulated us and we celebrated, with no alcohol.

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