Chapter XXVIII

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After all the training we did I could finally control my other abilities. We walked into Barry's home and I plopped on the couch face first. I hear Barry laugh and I roll my eyes."I'm guessing that you're very tired." He states and I groan in response."I'm taking that as a yes." He states and I hear him walk away. I sit up and roll over on to my back. Then Barry, using his speed, lays behind me and wraps his arms around my waist."Want to go out on a date?" He softly says in my ear. I smile "Sure when?" I respond and replies."How about tomorrow at six?" I nod my head."Deal." I turn around in his arms and we kiss shortly and I snuggle closer to him taking in the warmth. I place my head on his chest and soon fall asleep.

​​​​​​~~Next Day~~

I wake up and notice that I'm in my bed but an adorable sleeping Barry is next to me. I see that he is shirtless and I blush a bright red and look away. I hear movement then I feel arms around me."Good morning beautiful." A husky voice says and I blush more."Morning handsome." I smile and I use my speed to shower then change clothes."You go freshen up and I'll be making breakfast." I state and walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I begin to make some pancakes with eggs and bacon. Then Barry walks into the kitchen."Smells amazing babe." He says and kisses my cheek. Iris walks in and smiles."You didn't have to make breakfast (y/n). But thank you it smells really good." She places a hand on my shoulder then walks to grab her serving. Joe walks in later and thanks me then he grabs a serving. After Iris and Joe leave Barry and I stay at the table talking about random things. Then Barry asks a question."Excited for our date?" And I smile and nod."I am. I should go get ready." I stand up and he does to."Dress casual but a little nice." He said and kissed my temple. I go upstairs and looked through my closet. I chose a white see through blouse with a white tank top underneath, jean shorts and my sandals. I wore the necklace Barry gave me on my birthday a couple years ago and my bracelet that my mom gave me. I let my hair down and did natural makeup. I walk down and see Barry on the couch. He looks up and at me and his jaw dropped slightly. He looked good as well and I get closer. I place my hand under his jaw and closed it."Close your mouth babe or you'll catch flies." I giggle and he just smiles."You look great (y/n)." "Not too bad yourself Allen." I smile and he takes my hand gently and we walk out the door to his car."Where are we going Barry?" "It's a surprise (y/n)." And I groan but he just laughs. Then we begin driving to who knows where because Barry won't say.

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