Chapter XLVII

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I finally watched the finale, here's a chapter but my idea is coming together so be patient with me ;)

*(y/n)'s pov*

I almost grabbed Barry's arm when he almost tackled Jay, or Zoom. Barry yelled with tears streaming down his face like a waterfall. Soon after he was making a plan to race Zoom like Zoom told him. But then the team have him something which knocked him out."(y/n)?" I looked at Harry. He nodded and I nodded back. I picked up Barry and used my speed, putting him in a cell and closing it. Then the team had a meeting, coming up with a plan to stop Zoom, and closing the breeches.


I sat in the van with Iris and Jesse, watching Caitlyn talk to Zoom. Then Caitlyn's hologram glitched and disappeared. Harry and Joe did their part, and shoved Zoom into the breech Cisco made. I gasped when I saw Zoom grab Joe and pull him in as they disappeared into the breech. I looked at my phone and watched the live feed of Barry in his cell, wiping away a stray tear."I'm so sorry Barry. We lost Joe." I whispered. Barry looked depressed enough already."Dad!" I heard Iris speak. We then drove back to Star labs. We were discussing the situation when Wally walked in."Iris..." He walked to her and noticed her distressed expression."What's wrong?" Iris sighed shakily."Zoom...took dad." "How?" Then we explained what happened and Wally got upset."Iris, I already lost my mom. If dad..." He choked up and walked out. I caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder, leaning into his ear."Go get Barry. He deserves to know." I whispered and Wally nodded, and going down to the cells. Of course I told him how to open the cell, we needed Barry's help.


"Guys, Barry escaped." Jesse stated. Then Barry sped in the room with Wally."Wally!" Iris exclaimed and I stopped her from going any closer. Barry then started to confront the team."I'm going to beat him. Either you're all with me or not." Barry states and we all shared looks. I stepped forward and put a hand on Barry's shoulder."We are." I stated, speaking for all of us. Barry nodded and we began to think of what to do.


"So how does it work?" Barry asked, it made me smile a little at his confusion."Well just like me bringing Iris into the speedforce. Harry does his thing and I grab your hand, vibing you to where he is." Cisco tried to explain. Then when it was ready Barry held out his hand."Ready." He said and Cisco nodded, taking his hand. I squinted when the bright blue vibing wave started swirling get around them.

*Barry's pov*

"I'll do it. Just name when and where. On one condition." I told Zoom as he faced me."You bring Joe unharmed in any way." Zoom agreed but then stated some of his conditions."I release him after we race. Deal?" "Deal." I finalized the decision. Then Cisco cut off the vibe and I was back in the room with my group of friends. We all started to pack a few things we'll need for the plan. I thought of an idea but didn't share it with everyone else. I walked over to (y/n) and hugged her, she hugged back. Then we left to go to the intended destination. I saw Zoom arrive with Joe."Brought the whole gang with you I see." I stepped forward."Let him go." I state with a bit of anger."After...we race." Zoom replied and sped off."Don't worry, I'll bring back your dad." I told Iris and Wally."No, our dad." Wally stated and I nodded, turning to speed off."Barry wait." Iris stepped up to me."Kick his a**." She told me with a tiny bit of anger. I smirked a little and nodded, speeding to where Zoom was."What are the rules?" I asked Zoom. He explained the rules ((forgot the scientific words he said sorry xD)) and then he glanced at me."Let's see what you're made of...Flash." He sneered and I got into a start position, pulling on my mask. Then the race had started.

*(y/n)'s pov*

I got worried when the machine turned on, lightning striking the middle of it."He's turned on the..." I tuned Harry out."Come on Barry." I heard Cisco said."I know you can do it. Come on Barry, run. I love you." I spoke softly to myself. Then I saw two lines of Barry's lightning."Which one's Barry?" I heard Jesse ask."Both of them." Harry answered."He created a time remnant." I smiled."That's the way to go." Barry got rid of the cuffs on Joe and gave him to us. Then Barry wwnt back to Zoom but flew off the machine, but the remnant stayed with it. Barry and Zoom started to fight, the remnant moved to the bottom."What's he doing?" "He's creating his own..." I was amazed at what was going on that I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation."He'll die." I then heard Harry say about the remnant, it snapped me out of the daze. Then I heard a yell and the remnant turned to just a burst of speedforce lightning, going up into the hole in the sky. The hole was then closed and I saw Barry beat up Zoom, pinning him to the ground."You couldn't kill me before. What makes you think you can kill me now?" I heard Zoom speak with a slight rasp, blood all over his teeth and some on his lips. I heard a screech and turned, a white hole opening up and two flying creatures flying to Barry and Zoom."I guess I don't need to." Barry got off of Zoom and joined us watching the creatures circle the screaming Zoom and taking him into another breech, him disappearing forever. It was late and we all cheered, but exchanged good nights and separated. Barry and I sped home and saw Aster, asleep on the couch. Barry walked over and picked her up, tucking her into bed. Barry and I changed, slipping into bed and falling asleep instantly. Today was exhausting and emotionally draining.


In the morning we all were at Star labs, Harry and Cisco were taking the mask off the guy that was chained up at Zoom's hideout."I don't know what was worse, the mask on my face or you two arguing on how to remove it." I heard a very familiar voice. I looked and saw Henry, I gasped and clapped my hands over my mouth as my eyes watered a little. Barry slowly and turned and saw him."I'm the real...Jay Garrick." Jay said. Barry stared, completely surprised and a little heartbroken."What?" "N-nothing. Excuse me." Barry said and walked out into the hall. Joe followed and I stayed by the door to listen."He looks just like him. He looks just like my dad Joe." I heard Barry choke up while talking, he was crying after all."I know. I can tell him you had to leave-" "No, I'll be fine. Just...give me a minute." Barry said and Joe returned, looking at me. Joe nodded and I went to where Barry was."Barry." Barry faced me, tears falling. I walked up to him and cupped his face, wiping his tears with my thumbs."He looks like..." "I know Barry. I know." I state and Barry hugs me tightly as best as he could since my pregnant stomach kind of restrained him back a bit. I rubbed his back as he cried on my shoulder."You'll be fine." I whispered very quietly, I don't think he could hear me.


I watched as Jay, Harry, and Jesse sped into the breech Cisco made and disappearing back onto Earth two. I rubbed Barry's side and he kissed my temple, his arm around my waist. We all went to the West house to celebrate. I was watching the news with Iris when I noticed Barry walking out onto the porch quietly. I got up and followed him.

*Barry's pov*

I heard the door open so I looked up and saw (y/n)."I beat Zoom, but yet I feel like I lost." I state after she sat down."Well, how about the thing we talked about a while back? Maybe we could give it a try." "I'm sorry, but I can't. I feel hollowed out. I'm not in the right position to try it. I need to find peace." I admitted how I felt. (y/n) put a hand on my knee and looked at me, straight into my eyes."You waited on me for years to be at where we are now. I'm letting you know that I'll be doing the same." She choked up a little, her eyes watery."Wherever you need to go, whatever you need to do. And when you finish, I'll be here." I smiled a little."I love you Barry." She smiled. I leaned in and kissed her, she kissed back. When I pulled away I met her (e/c) eyes."I love you too." I state and she nods, kissing my forehead and going back inside with the others. I stood and looked at them through the curtains ((photo))."And I'm sorry, but I have to do this." I state and looked around, speeding off. As I ran I saw a portal open and I went through, keeping my focus on the night my mom was killed. I sped in the house and tackled the reverse speedster, beating him up."You're not touching her. Not ever again." I growled and knocked him out. I walked over to my mom carefully and she flinched, whimpering a no since she was terrified."I'm not going to hurt you." I told her softly."You're safe now." I said as I was in front of her, her watery eyes meeting mine, her cheeks covered in tears. I looked up and saw another me, smiling a little at the scene but then shook his head slightly as he disappeared into thin air.'I hope I made the right choice.' I thought to myself.

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