Chapter XXXVII

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*Barry's pov*

​​​For (y/n) and I's honeymoon we went to Aster's home. We walked up to the big castle and knocked. The doors opened and a guard stood there and he looked human but his skin had skin color scales, had fangs, and snake like eyes."Yes? Who are you and what do you want?" I cleared my throat."I am Barry Allen and this is my wife and we are here to see Princess Aster's parents." I stated and he bowed his head."Please follow me." He stated and we did. He took us to a huge room and there sitting in two huge thrones were a man and woman that were like the guard but their eyes matched Aster's and they wore royal clothing and crowns."Your majesties, Sir Barry Allen and his wife from Earth." The guard bowed and left closing the big doors."Barry Allen, why have you come here?" Aster's father the king asked and I bowed."I have come to ask for your permission to be the new parents of your daughter Aster. We have papers that you can sign and she will be ours legally on Earth." I stated and he looked at me for a while with no expression."Very well then, hand them to me please." He said and I walked up to him and gave him the papers. Since he was so giant the papers were like the size of the tip of my pinkie compared to his hands. He signed them and gave them back. And it was good he signed on the line and not on the whole sheet."Thank you your majesty." "Please Barry, call me Izotz. And call my wife Isole." "Of course, Izotz." Me and (y/n) then walked out of the castle after exchanging goodbyes and arrived back in Central City. We walked into our new home and Aster ran downstairs."Mom! Dad! You're home!" She exclaimed and ran to us squeezed us in a tight hug."We missed you too sweetheart. But we have good news." (y/n) stated happily.

​​​​​​*(y/n)'s pov*

Aster looked at me and Barry."What?" I gave her the papers her parents signed."Me and Barry are your legal parents. This is your home and we're a family now." I said and she smiled so big and tears went down her face. She then hugged us both again tightly."Thank you mom and dad. I'm glad we're a family. I love you both." "We love you too." Barry said and kissed the top of her head and I kissed her cheek. We then watched movies and snacked until late at night. I tucked Aster into bed and kissed her head. I went to me and Barry's room and we fell asleep happy.

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