Chapter XLV

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*Barry's pov*

(y/n) and I were released from the hospital this morning. Since I had a cast for my arm, (y/n) was driving. We got home pretty late so we had to be very quiet while walking in ((shhhh, be vewy vewy qwiet, im hunting wabbit, it's wabbit season lol xD)). We had reached our room and got dressed into our night clothes. Of course I had to put on a cast they gave to me for sleeping. (y/n) and I laid in bed and fell asleep in eah other's arms.


I woke up with an uneasy feeling. I looked around and noticed that (y/n) was gone."She probably went to the bathroom." I spoke quietly to myself and laid back down. I fell asleep eventually, scared of more nightmares to haunt me.

*(y/n)'s pov*

I jerked awake and saw I was in one of the chairs at the dining table."How did I get here?" I asked myself. I got up and went back to my bedroom, slipping into bed beside Barry. I snuggled into his arms and fell back asleep. I was tired and it was too early in the morning.

~~~Three Weeks Later~~~

*Barry's pov*

(y/n) has been acting strangely, and every time I ask her if something is wrong she changes the topic or avoids the question. I really want to know what's wrong and help as best as I can."Dad...? What's wrong with Mom?" Aster was next to me, I was sitting on the couch waiting for (y/n) to come home."You noticed to?" I ask her and she nods. I open my arms and she comes over to me. She sits next to me but cuddles up to me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head, I rest my cheek against her head."It's worrying me." Aster said."Me too Aster. She won't tell me if there's something wrong. I promise to try and help fix this. Alright?" I spoke softly and Aster nodded a little."Ok."

*(y/n)'s pov*

It's been a few weeks until the accident. I keep having nightmares about it and sleep walking into different places of the house. I'm really scared by this, as well with the safety for the baby, and I just can't tell Barry for some reason. This is driving me crazy."Are you alright (y/n)?" Iris as ask ed me, sitting across from me and giving me my water."Not really." I state a little glumly."What's wrong?" I freeze. No, you're telling Iris everything (y/n). I thought to myself."Ever since the accident I've been having nightmares of the crash. It's like I'm reliving it but instead of me and Barry surviving I see him actually die. I feel for his heartbeat, I hear for breathing, I feel for a pulse, but there's nothing. And it doesn't help that the baby didn't make it either. All I see is blood seeping from my pants and pooling. Not only that but I keep waking up in different areas of the house. I'm sleepwalking Iris, this is freaking me out." My eyes watered a bit but I kept it under control. Iris was giving me a sad yet sympathetic expression."(y/n), I don't know what to tell you honestly. All I can say is to talk to Barry about it. I get it might be hard to but he loves you. And you not being completely open to him abut it will hurt him. Please (y/n), do it for me, or Barry, heck do it for the baby even." I sigh and nod a little."I'll try to talk to him about it." Iris smiles warmly."Good."

~That Night~

*Barry's pov*

I woke up with a jerk. I sit up and look around, (y/n) is standing in the doorway."(y/n)?" I whisper and get up. I slowly made my way toward her. When I got there I step into her line of sight. As I look closer I see her eyes are closed."What the...?" I whisper to myself and she began to move. I step out of the way and follow her to see where she goes. She soon sat at the counter and jerked awake."Barry? What're you doing here?" She asked me."I followed you. Please tell me what's wrong." I practically beg."Ever since the accident I've been sleepwalking and having these nightmares reliving the accident but you actually die, as well with the baby." I sped to her and hugged her tight."I don't plan on leaving any time soon. Especially fo you and the baby, someone has to protect you and the little one." I placed my hand over her belly. (y/n) was already four months pregnant, the bump has gotten larger."Alright. I love you Barry." I pull away and smile at her."I love you too (y/n)." We shared a passionate kiss. I picked her up and sped to our bed."Now let's get more sleep." "Couldn't agree more." We cuddled each other and fell back asleep.

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